Install and upgrade
Requirements and guides for connecting your Kubernetes cluster to Calico Cloud.
Before you begin​
Calico Cloud architecture
Understand the main components of Calico Cloud.
What happens when you connect a cluster to Calico Cloud
Get answers to your questions about connecting to Calico Cloud.
System requirements
Review cluster requirements to connect to Calico Cloud.
Prepare your cluster for Calico Cloud
Prepare your cluster to install Calico Cloud.
Limitations and known issues for Windows nodes
Review limitations before starting installation.
Connect your cluster​
Install Calico Cloud
Steps to connect your cluster to Calico Cloud.
Set up a private registry
Add images to a private registry for installing Calico Cloud on a cluster.
Install using a private registry
Steps to connect your cluster to Calico Cloud.
Install Calico Cloud as part of an automated workflow
Install Calico Cloud as part of an automated workflow.
Prepare your cluster for Calico Cloud
Prepare your cluster to install Calico Cloud.
Tigera operator troubleshooting checklist
Additional troubleshooting for the Tigera operator.
Troubleshooting checklist
Review this checklist before opening a Support ticket.