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Calico Cloud documentation

Troubleshooting checklist

Check Calico Cloud installation​

Installing Calico Cloud on your Kubernetes cluster is managed by the Calico Cloud operator. The Calico Cloud operator is deployed as a Deployment in the calico-cloud namespace, and records status in a custom resource named installer.

Check the installer status using the following command.

kubectl get installer default --namespace calico-cloud -o jsonpath --template '{.status}'

Sample output


After state is complete, Calico Cloud is properly installed.

Check logs for fatal errors​

Check that the Calico Cloud operator is running and that logs do not have any fatal errors.

kubectl logs -n calico-cloud deployment/calico-cloud-controller-manager
2022-04-04T14:34:32.472Z INFO controller-runtime.metrics metrics server is starting to listen {"addr": ""}
2022-04-04T14:34:32.472Z INFO setup starting manager
2022-04-04T14:34:32.472Z INFO setup config {"ccBaseURL": "", "debug": false, "leader-elect": true}
I0404 14:34:32.472586 1 leaderelection.go:243] attempting to acquire leader lease calico-cloud/
2022-04-04T14:34:32.472Z INFO controller-runtime.manager starting metrics server {"path": "/metrics"}
I0404 14:34:32.480870 1 leaderelection.go:253] successfully acquired lease calico-cloud/

Check custom resources​

Verify that you have the installer custom resource, and that the values are appropriate for your environment.

kubectl get --namespace calico-cloud -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion:
kind: Installer
annotations: |
creationTimestamp: '2022-04-04T14:34:29Z'
generation: 1
name: my-new-cluster
namespace: calico-cloud
resourceVersion: '1102'
uid: eb1d1cd0-f01f-47b2-81fe-8eee46dbe712
clusterName: my-new-cluster
message: ''
resourceVersion: ''
state: installing
kind: List
resourceVersion: ''
selfLink: ''

Send failed installation diagnostics to Calico Cloud support​

To upload diagnostics about a failed installation to Calico Cloud support, run the following command:

kubectl patch installer -n calico-cloud default --type merge -p='{"spec":{"uploadDiags":true}}'