Prepare your cluster for Calico Cloud
Get your cluster ready to connect to Calico Cloud.
- Your cluster meets the system requirements for Calico Cloud.
Allow outbound traffic from pods to Calico Cloud endpoints​
Pods running in your Kubernetes cluster must allow outbound traffic to the following endpoints:***
- TCP to
For each node, Docker must be able to pull images from the following endpoints:
Make sure you have the right permissions for your platform user account​
If your cluster is installed on a managed service, you must have sufficient permissions from your identity and access management system. Check that you are authorized to create the following Kubernetes resource types:
Prepare your cluster on Azure Kubernetes Service​
Remove taints from Linux node pools​
If you have a hybrid clusters with both Windows and Linux nodes, the Linux nodes may have taints that prevent Calico Cloud from scheduling pods on those nodes. These taints must be removed before you connect your cluster to Calico Cloud.
You can check whether any node pools in your cluster have taints by running the following command:
az aks nodepool list --resource-group <group-name> --cluster-name <cluster-name> --query "[].{name:name nodeTaints:nodeTaints}"
Remove any taints in the Linux node pools by running the command:
az aks nodepool update --resource-group <group-name> --cluster-name <cluster-name> --name <nodepool-name> --node-taints ""
Prepare your cluster Google Kubernetes Engine​
Turn on intranode visibility for your cluster​
Verify that intranode visibility is set to Enabled
by running the following command:
gcloud container clusters describe <cluster-name> --flatten networkConfig.enableIntraNodeVisibility
If intranode visibiliity is not enabled, you must enable it by following running the following command:
gcloud container clusters update <cluster-name> --enable-intra-node-visibility