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Calico Cloud documentation

Integrate the scanner into your build pipeline

Big picture​

Integrate the Image Assurance CLI scanner into your build pipeline to ensure builds are checked by Image Assurance before deployment.


The Image Assurance CLI scanner allows you to manually scan container images locally or remotely for on-demand scanning and emergency scanning. The CLI scanner is ideal for use in a CI/CD pipeline to automatically scan images before pushing them to a registry.

If the CLI scanner is part of your pipeline, scanning is done before runtime and the results are displayed in the Image Assurance dashboard in the web console. You can then use Image Assurance Admission Controller to automatically blocks resources that would create containers with vulnerable images from entering your cluster. For a real-world use case, see Hands-on guide: How to scan and block container images to mitigate SBOM attacks.

Before you begin​

Image requirements

  • Docker container runtime
  • Images must be available locally through the Docker container runtime environment where the Image Assurance scanner is running.

Scanner requirements

  • Must have internet access to download and update the vulnerability database
  • To see image scan results in the web console, the scanner must communicate with an external API endpoint outside your environment

How to​

Get the latest version of Image Assurance​

  1. On the Managed Clusters page, select the cluster from the list, and click Reinstall.
  2. Copy the updated installation script command and run it against your cluster.

Start the scanner​

  1. Download the latest version of the scanner.


    curl -Lo tigera-scanner


    curl -Lo tigera-scanner
  2. Set the executable flag on the binary.

    chmod +x ./tigera-scanner

You must download and set the executable flag each time you get a new version of the scanner.

  1. Verify that the scanner works correctly by running the version command.

    ./tigera-scanner version

Integrate the scanner into your build pipeline​

You can include the CLI scanner in your CI/CD pipelines (for example, Jenkins, GitHub actions). Ensure the following:

  • Download the CLI scanner binary onto your CI runner
  • If you are running an ephemeral environment in the pipeline, include the download, and update the executable steps in your pipeline to download the scanner on every execution
  • Create a secret containing the API-Token and API URL and make it available in the pipeline (for example, using a SECURE_API_TOKEN environment variable)
  • Add a step in your pipeline to run the image-assurance-scanner after building the container image, and specify the image name as a parameter. For example: ./image-assurance-cli-scanner --apiurl <sysdig-api-url> ${IMAGE_NAME}

If your CI platform supports it, you can also use the containerized version of Image Assurance scanner for integrations with other tools like Harness. To integrate the containerized version of Image Assurance scanner into your CI/CD platform, go to: Image Assurance containerized scanner and pull the latest image. For example:

   docker pull

Manually scan images​

You can scan images and report results back to Calico Cloud, or scan images locally without reporting results to Calico Cloud.


tigera-scanner scan [OPTIONS] <image_name>


  • --apiurl - Calico Cloud API URL path. You can get this URL in the web console, Image Assurance, Scan settings.
  • --token - secure API or authorization token to make requests to Calico Cloud API URL. You can get this URL in the web console, Image Assurance, Scan settings.
  • --warn_threshold - CVSS threshold for Warn scan results. Range from 0.0 - 10.0.
  • --fail_threshold - CVSS threshold for Fail scan results. Range from 0.0 - 10.0.
  • --vulnerability_db_path - path to a folder to store vulnerability data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_HOME; if it is not set, defaults to $HOME/.cache).
  • --input_file <file-path> - Path to a JSON file containing image URLs.
  • --output_file <file-path> - File path that will contain scan results in a JSON format.


Scan an image, report results

./tigera-scanner scan ubuntu:latest --apiurl https://<my-org> --token ezBhbGcetc...

Scan an image locally, do not report results

./tigera-scanner scan ubuntu:latest

Scan an image with a failure and warning threshold

./tigera-scanner scan ubuntu:latest --fail_threshold 7.0 --warn_threshold 3.9

Scan multiple images locally, do not report results

./tigera-scanner scan ubuntu:latest alpine:latest

Scan multiple images using an input and output file

The input file must have the following JSON structure:

"images": [
./tigera-scanner scan --input_file images.json --output_file results.json

Scan images using a configuration file​

Create a configuration file in $HOME/.tigera-scanner.yaml for the scanner to read.


Key names must match the full name of arguments passed to the scanner. The configuration precedence order is options > environment variables > file configuration.


OptionsShorthandEnvironment variableDescription
--apiurl-aCC_API_URLCalico Cloud API URL path. You can get this URL in the web console, Image Assurance, Scan settings.
--token-tCC_TOKENSecure API or authorization token to make requests to Calico Cloud API URL.
--warn_threshold-wCC_WARN_THRESHOLDCVSS threshold for Warn scan results. Range from 0.0 - 10.0.
--fail_threshold-fCC_FAIL_THRESHOLDCVSS threshold for Fail scan results. Range from 0.0 - 10.0.
--vulnerability_db_path-pCC_VULNERABILITY_DB_PATHPath to a folder to store vulnerability data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_HOME; if it is not set, defaults to $HOME/.cache).
--input_file-iCC_INPUT_FILEPath to the JSON file containing image URLs.
--output_file-oCC_OUTPUT_FILEFile path that will contain scan results in a JSON format.

Next step​

Set up alerts