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Calico Cloud documentation

Use NodeLocal DNSCache in your cluster

Big picture​

Set up NodeLocal DNSCache to improve DNS lookup latency.

Before you begin​


Follow these steps to enable NodeLocal DNSCache connectivity.

Create a policy to allow traffic from NodeLocal DNSCache​

The following is a sample network policy that allows all incoming TCP traffic (including incoming traffic from node-local-dns pods) on port 53 on kube-dns.

kind: NetworkPolicy
name: default.local-dns-to-core-dns
namespace: kube-system
tier: default
selector: k8s-app == "kube-dns"
- action: Allow
protocol: TCP
selector: k8s-app == "kube-dns"
- '53'
- Ingress

To refine the sources permitted by this policy, take into account that NodeLocal DNSCache pods are host networked, and make sure to allow traffic from the addresses of your hosts. If you're using encapsulation, you will need to allow connectivity from the tunnel IPs.

The Tigera operator creates policy to allow Tigera components to connect to NodeLocal DNSCache when detected. Felix accounts for the NodeLocal DNSCache in creating DNS Logs and enforcing DNS Policy.

Enable NodeLocal DNSCache on Calico Cloud using the eBPF data plane​

If your Calico Cloud installation uses the eBPF data plane, then you need to annotate the kube-dns service. Without this, the kube-proxy replacement will improperly resolve traffic going to a specific service IP.

Annotate the kube-dns service by running the following command:

kubectl annotate service kube-dns -n kube-system

Additional resources​