Use a specific IP address with a pod
Big picture​
Choose the IP address for a pod instead of allowing Calico Cloud to choose automatically.
Some applications require the use of stable IP addresses. Also, you may want to create entries in external DNS servers that point directly to pods, and this requires static IPs.
Kubernetes pod CIDR​
The Kubernetes pod CIDR is the range of IPs Kubernetes expects pod IPs to be assigned from. It is defined for the entire cluster and is used by various Kubernetes components to determine whether an IP belongs to a pod. For example, kube-proxy treats traffic differently if an IP is from a pod than if it is not. All pod IPs must be in the CIDR range for Kubernetes to function correctly.
IP Pools
IP pools are ranges of IP addresses from which Calico Cloud assigns pod IPs. Static IPs must be in an IP pool.
Before you begin...​
Your cluster must be using Calico IPAM to use this feature.
If you are not sure which IPAM your cluster is using, the way to tell depends on install method.
The IPAM plugin can be queried on the default Installation resource.
kubectl get installation default -o go-template --template {{.spec.cni.ipam.type}}
If your cluster is using Calico IPAM, the above command should return a result of Calico
How to​
Annotate the pod with set to a list of IP addresses to assign, enclosed in brackets. For example:
"": "[\"\", \"2001:db8::1\"]"
Note the use of the escaped \"
for the inner double quotes around the addresses.
The address must be within a configured Calico Cloud IP pool and not currently in use. The annotation must be present when the pod is created; adding it later has no effect.
Note that currently only a single IP address per IP family is supported per-pod using this annotation.
Reserving IPs for manual assignments​
annotation requires the IP address to be within an IP pool. This means that,
by default, Calico Cloud may decide to use the IP address that you select for another workload or for an internal
tunnel address. To prevent this, there are several options:
To reserve a whole IPPool for manual allocations, you can set its node selector in the IP pool to
. Since the!all()
cannot match any nodes, the IPPool will not be used for any automatic assignments. -
To reserve part of a pool, you can create an IP reservation. This allows for certain IPs to be reserved so that Calico IPAM will not use them automatically. However, manual assignments (using the annotation) can still use IPs that are "reserved".
To prevent Calico Cloud from using IPs from a certain pool for internal IPIP and/or VXLAN tunnel addresses, you can set the
field on the IP Pool to["Workload"]
Additional resources​
For help configuring Calico Cloud CNI and Calico Cloud IPAM, see Configuring the Calico Cloud CNI Plugins.