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Calico Cloud documentation

Namespace isolation and access controls

In this article you will learn how to create Calico Cloud global network policies to isolate namespaces for ingress traffic.

Isolate access​

Isolating ingress traffic access can be implemented across different groups in your organization, for example:

  • Business unit, development team, or project
  • Deployment environment (Dev/Stage/Prod or Pre-prod/Prod)
  • Control plane
  • Management plane
  • Compliance environment

Create global network policies​

Microsegmentation across namespaces is achieved using Calico Cloud policy labels and selectors with a Pass action rule. If you are unfamiliar with policy action rules, see Tutorial - Understanding policy tiers.

In the following example, let's assume the following:

  • We created a security tier (recommended for your enterprise security controls like multi-tenancy)
  • Two development teams (dev1 and dev2), each managing two applications or microservices
  • The security tier will delegate (pass) microsegmentation controls to the application tier
  • We will use a GlobalNetworkPolicy with cluster wide scope that applies to pods in all namespaces in the cluster.

For example:


GlobalNetworkPolicy 1

The following policy is for ingress traffic that goes through a trusted load balancer. It resides in the security tier, and uses the Pass action rule to delegate control to the application tier for the dev1 tenant. Because the application tier contains endpoints that apply, traffic is processed.

kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy
name: security.ingress-dev1
tier: security
order: 200
selector: tenant == "dev1"
- action: Pass
selector: trusted-ep == "load-balancer"
- action: Pass
selector: tenant == "dev1"
- Ingress

GlobalNetworkPolicy 2

Similarly, we create a second GlobalNetworkPolicy for dev2 tenant that delegates control to the application tier for the dev2 applications.

kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy
name: security.ingress-dev2
tier: security
order: 300
selector: tenant == "dev2"
- action: Pass
selector: trusted-ep == "load-balancer"
- action: Pass
selector: tenant == "dev2"
- Ingress

Summary and recommendations​

In these examples, we implemented ingress access controls for two development teams. The global network policy has cluster-wide scope (applying to pods in all namespaces in the cluster). For egress controls, we recommend the following:

  • Use permissive egress policies for intra-cluster communication
  • Implement Global default deny security controls
  • Implement Global egress access controls for communication with endpoints external to the cluster in the security tier. These controls govern the communication of all applications for a given tenant with the outside world.