Create a Calico Enterprise managed cluster
Big picture​
Create a Calico Enterprise managed cluster that you can control from your management cluster using Helm 3.
Helm charts are a way to package up an application for Kubernetes (similar to apt
or yum
for operating systems). Helm is also used by tools like ArgoCD to manage applications in a cluster, taking care of install, upgrade (and rollback if needed), etc.
Before you begin​
- Install Helm 3
is configured to work with your cluster (check by runningkubectl get nodes
)- Credentials for the Tigera private registry and a license key
Operator-based installation​
In this guide, you install the Tigera Calico operator and custom resource definitions using the Helm 3 chart. The Tigera operator provides lifecycle management for Calico Enterprise exposed via the Kubernetes API defined as a custom resource definition.
How to​
Download the Helm chart​
curl -O -L
Prepare the Installation Configuration​
You must provide the desired configuration for your cluster via the values.yaml
, otherwise installation will use the default settings based on the auto-detected provider.
The configurations you need to provide depends on your cluster's settings and your desired state.
Some important configurations you might need to provide to the installer (via values.yaml
) includes (but not limited to): kubernetesProvider, cni type, or if you need to customize TLS certificates.
Here are some examples for updating values.yaml
with your configurations:
Example 1. Providing kubernetesProvider
: if you are installing on a cluster installed by EKS, set the kubernetesProvider
as described in the Installation reference
echo '{ installation: {kubernetesProvider: EKS }}' > values.yaml
Example 2. Providing custom settings in values.yaml
for Azure AKS cluster with no Kubernetes CNI pre-installed:
cat > values.yaml <<EOF
kubernetesProvider: AKS
type: Calico
bgp: Disabled
- cidr:
encapsulation: VXLAN
For more information about configurable options via values.yaml
please see Helm installation reference.
Install Calico Enterprise​
To install a Calico Enterprise managed cluster with Helm:
- Export the service port number, and the public IP or host of the management cluster. (Ex. "" or "".)
export MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_ADDR=<your-management-cluster-addr>
- Export the management cluster certificate and managed cluster certificate and key.
If you haven't already done so, generate the base64 encoded CRT and KEY for this managed cluster:
openssl genrsa 2048 | base64 -w 0 > my-managed-cluster.key.base64
openssl req -new -key <(base64 -d my-managed-cluster.key.base64) -subj "/CN=my-managed-cluster" | \
openssl x509 -req -signkey <(base64 -d my-managed-cluster.key.base64) -days 365 | base64 -w 0 > my-managed-cluster.crt.base64
Get the MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_CRT by running the following command on the management cluster:
kubectl get secret -n tigera-operator $(kubectl get managementcluster tigera-secure -o jsonpath='{.spec.tls.secretName}') -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}' > management-cluster.crt.base64
Export the managed cluster variables:
export MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_CRT=$(cat management-cluster.crt.base64)
export MANAGED_CLUSTER_CRT=$(cat my-managed-cluster.crt.base64)
export MANAGED_CLUSTER_KEY=$(cat my-managed-cluster.key.base64)
- Append the management cluster context to your
echo "
enabled: true
managementClusterAddress: $MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_ADDR
key: $MANAGED_CLUSTER_KEY" >> values.yaml
- Install the Tigera operator and custom resource definitions using the Helm 3 chart:
helm install calico-enterprise tigera-operator-v3.21.0-1.0-0.tgz -f values.yaml \
--set-file imagePullSecrets.tigera-pull-secret=<path/to/pull/secret>,tigera-prometheus-operator.imagePullSecrets.tigera-pull-secret=<path/to/pull/secret> \
--set-file licenseKeyContent=<path/to/license/file/yaml> \
--set logStorage.enabled=false --set manager.enabled=false \
--namespace tigera-operator --create-namespace
- You can now monitor progress with the following command:
watch kubectl get tigerastatus
Provide permissions to view the managed cluster​
To access resources belonging to a managed cluster from the Calico Enterprise web console, the service or user account used to log in must have appropriate permissions defined in the managed cluster.
Define admin-level permissions for the service account mcm-user
we created to log in to the web console. Run the following command against your managed cluster.
kubectl create clusterrolebinding mcm-user-admin --clusterrole=tigera-network-admin --serviceaccount=default:mcm-user
Congratulations! You have now installed Calico Enterprise for a managed cluster using the Helm 3 chart.
Next steps​
- Configure access to the Calico Enterprise web console
- Authentication quickstart
- Configure your own identity provider
Recommended - Networking
- The default networking is IP in IP encapsulation using BGP routing. For all networking options, see Determine best networking option.
Recommended - Security