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Calico Enterprise 3.21 (early preview) documentation

calicoctl node diags

This section describes the calicoctl node diags command.

Read the calicoctl Overview for a full list of calicoctl commands.

Displaying the help text for 'calicoctl node diags' command​

Run calicoctl node diags --help to display the following help menu for the command.

calicoctl node diags [--log-dir=<LOG_DIR>]

-h --help Show this screen.
--log-dir=<LOG_DIR> The directory containing Calico logs
[default: /var/log/calico]

This command is used to gather diagnostic information from a Calico node.
This is usually used when trying to diagnose an issue that may be related to
your Calico network.

The output of the command explains how to automatically upload the
diagnostics to for easy sharing of the data. Note that the
uploaded files will be deleted after 14 days.

This command must be run on the specific Calico node that you are gathering
diagnostics for.


sudo calicoctl node diags

An example response follows.

Collecting diagnostics
Using temp dir: /tmp/calico676127473
Dumping netstat
Dumping routes (IPv4)
Dumping routes (IPv6)
Dumping interface info (IPv4)
Dumping interface info (IPv6)
Dumping iptables (IPv4)
Dumping iptables (IPv6)
Dumping ipsets
exit status 1
Dumping ipsets (container)
Copying journal for calico-node.service
Dumping felix stats
Copying Calico logs

Diags saved to /tmp/calico676127473/diags-20170522_151219.tar.gz
If required, you can upload the diagnostics bundle to a file sharing service
such as using curl or similar. For example:

curl --upload-file /tmp/calico676127473/diags-20170522_151219.tar.gz


  --log-dir=<LOG_DIR>  The directory containing Calico logs.
[default: /var/log/calico]