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Calico Enterprise 3.21 (early preview) documentation

Deep packet inspection

A deep packet inspection resource (DeepPacketInspection) represents live network traffic monitor for malicious activities by analyzing header and payload of the packet using specific rules. Malicious activities are added to the β€œAlerts” page in the Calico Enterprise web console.

For kubectl commands, the following case-insensitive aliases can be used to specify the resource type on the CLI: deeppacketinspection,deeppacketinspections,, as well as abbreviations such as deeppacketinspection.p and deeppacketinspections.p.

Sample YAML​

kind: DeepPacketInspection
name: sample-dpi
namespace: sample-namespace
selector: k8s-app == "sample-app"

DeepPacketInspection definition​


FieldDescriptionAccepted ValuesSchemaDefault
nameThe name of the deep packet inspection. Required.Alphanumeric string with optional ., _, or -.string
namespaceNamespace provides an additional qualification to a resource name.string"default"


FieldDescriptionAccepted ValuesSchemaDefault
selectorSelects the endpoints to which this deep packet inspection applies.selector


nodesList of Nodes.


nodeName of the node that generated this status.
activeActive status.
errorConditionsList of errors.


successWhether the deep packet inspection is active on the backend.
lastUpdatedTime when the active field was updated.

Error Conditions​

messageErrors preventing deep packet inspection from running successfully.
lastUpdatedTime when the error was updated.


A label selector is an expression which either matches or does not match a resource based on its labels.

Calico Enterprise label selectors support a number of operators, which can be combined into larger expressions using the boolean operators and parentheses.

Logical operators
( <expression> )Matches if and only if <expression> matches. (Parentheses are used for grouping expressions.)
! <expression>Matches if and only if <expression> does not match. Tip: ! is a special character at the start of a YAML string, if you need to use ! at the start of a YAML string, enclose the string in quotes.
<expression 1> && <expression 2>"And": matches if and only if both <expression 1>, and, <expression 2> matches
<expression 1> || <expression 2>"Or": matches if and only if either <expression 1>, or, <expression 2> matches.
Match operators
all()Match all in-scope resources. To match no resources, combine this operator with ! to form !all().
global()Match all non-namespaced resources. Useful in a namespaceSelector to select global resources such as global network sets.
k == 'v'Matches resources with the label 'k' and value 'v'.
k != 'v'Matches resources without label 'k' or with label 'k' and value not equal to v
has(k)Matches resources with label 'k', independent of value. To match pods that do not have label k, combine this operator with ! to form !has(k)
k in { 'v1', 'v2' }Matches resources with label 'k' and value in the given set
k not in { 'v1', 'v2' }Matches resources without label 'k' or with label 'k' and value not in the given set
k contains 's'Matches resources with label 'k' and value containing the substring 's'
k starts with 's'Matches resources with label 'k' and value starting with the substring 's'
k ends with 's'Matches resources with label 'k' and value ending with the substring 's'

Operators have the following precedence:

  • Highest: all the match operators
  • Parentheses ( ... )
  • Negation with !
  • Conjunction with &&
  • Lowest: Disjunction with ||

For example, the expression

! has(my-label) || my-label starts with 'prod' && role in {'frontend','business'}

Would be "bracketed" like this:

((!(has(my-label)) || ((my-label starts with 'prod') && (role in {'frontend','business'}))

It would match:

  • Any resource that did not have label "my-label".
  • Any resource that both:
    • Has a value for my-label that starts with "prod", and,
    • Has a role label with value either "frontend", or "business".