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Calico Enterprise 3.20 (latest) documentation

Install Calico Enterprise

Requirements and guides for installing Calico Enterprise on Kubernetes clusters and non-cluster hosts..

Getting started

Quickstart for Calico Enterprise on Kubernetes

Install Calico Enterprise on a single-host Kubernetes cluster for testing or development.

Support and compatibility

Lists versions of Calico Enterprise and Kubernetes for each platform.


Quickstart for Calico Enterprise on Kubernetes

Install Calico Enterprise on a single-host Kubernetes cluster for testing or development.

Options for installing Calico Enterprise

Learn about API-driven installation and how to customize your installation configuration.


Install Calico Enterprise on a kubeadm-provisioned Kubernetes cluster for on-premises deployments.


Install Calico Enterprise using Helm application package manager.

System requirements

Review requirements for using OpenShift with Calico Enterprise.

Install Calico Enterprise on OpenShift

Install Calico Enterprise on an OpenShift 4 cluster.

Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Install Calico Enterprise for an AKS cluster.

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Enable Calico network policy in EKS.

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Enable Calico network policy in GKE.

kOps on AWS

Install Calico Enterprise with a self-managed Kubernetes cluster using kOps on AWS.

Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE)

Install Calico Enterprise on an MKE cluster.

Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE)

Install Calico Enterprise on RKE.


Install Calico Enterprise on an RKE2 cluster.

Rancher UI

Install Calico Enterprise on a RKE2 cluster using the Rancher UI.

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG)

Install Calico Enterprise on Tanzu Kubernetes Grid.

Installing from a private registry

Install from a private registry

Install and configure Calico Enterprise in a private registry.

Install from an image path in a private registry

Install and configure Calico Enterprise using an image path in a private registry.

Installing on Windows

Limitations and known issues

Review limitations before starting installation.


Review requirements for Calico Enterprise for Windows.

Install using Operator

Install Calico Enterprise for Windows on a Kubernetes cluster for testing or development.


Install Calico Enterprise for Windows on a Kubernetes cluster for testing or development.

Install Calico Enterprise for Windows manually

Install Calico Enterprise for Windows to enable a workload-to-workload Zero Trust model.

Create kubeconfig for manually installed Calico for Windows nodes

Configure kubeconfig for the manual install of Calico Enterprise for Windows.

Manage and maintain manually installed Calico Enterprise for Windows services

Tasks to manage Calico services and uninstall Calico Enterprise for Windows when the manual install (non-HPC) method was used.

Calico Enterprise for Windows on an OpenShift 4 cluster (manual install)

Install Calico Enterprise on an OpenShift 4 cluster on Windows nodes

Install Calico Enterprise for Windows on RKE

Install Calico Enterprise for Windows on RKE.

Basic policy demo

An interactive demo to show how to apply basic network policy to pods in a Calico Enterprise for Windows cluster.

Configure flow logs for workloads

Configure flow logs for Calico Enterprise for Windows workloads.

Configure DNS policy for workloads

Configure DNS policy for Calico Enterprise for Windows workloads.

Troubleshoot Calico Enterprise for Windows

Help for troubleshooting Calico Enterprise for Windows issues.


Upgrade Calico Enterprise installed with Helm

Upgrade to a newer version of Calico Enterprise installed with Helm.

Upgrade Calico Enterprise installed with the operator

Upgrading from an earlier release of Calico Enterprise with the operator.

Upgrade Calico Enterprise installed with OpenShift

Upgrade to a newer version of Calico Enterprise installed with OpenShift.

Upgrade from Calico to Calico Enterprise

Steps to upgrade from open source Calico to Calico Enterprise.

Upgrade Calico to Calico Enterprise installed with Helm

Upgrade to Calico Enterprise from Calico installed with Helm.

Upgrade from Calico to Calico Enterprise on OpenShift

Steps to upgrade from open source Calico to Calico Enterprise on OpenShift.

Install a patch release

Install an older patch release of Calico Enterprise.

Non-cluster hosts

Install Calico on non-cluster hosts and VMs

Install Calico on non-cluster hosts and VMs