Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE)
Big picture
Install Calico Enterprise on a Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE) cluster (formerly Docker Enterprise).
Before you begin
CNI support
Calico CNI for networking with Calico Enterprise network policy:
The geeky details of what you get:
Policy | IPAM | CNI | Overlay | Routing | Datastore |
A compatible MKE cluster with:
- A minimum of three nodes for non-production deployments
- CNI flag set to unmanaged,
so UCP does not install the default Calico Enterprise networking plugin
For help, see Docker Enterprise, and Docker EE Best Practices and Design Considerations
Install UCP control plane to access the cluster using Docker Universal Control Plane CLI-Based Access. After installing the control plane, enable the option "Allow all authenticated users, including service accounts, to schedule on all nodes, including UCP managers and DTR nodes."
Cluster meets system requirements
Install Install kubectl
How to
Install Calico Enterprise
Configure Tigera operator and Calico CNI plugin role bindings for Docker EE.
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tigera-operator-cluster-admin -n tigera-operator \
--clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount tigera-operator:tigera-operator
kubectl create clusterrolebinding calico-cni-plugin-cluster-admin -n calico-system \
--clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount calico-system:calico-cni-plugin -
Install the Tigera operator and custom resource definitions.
kubectl create -f https://downloads.tigera.io/ee/v3.20.1/manifests/tigera-operator.yaml
Install the Prometheus operator and related custom resource definitions. The Prometheus operator will be used to deploy Prometheus server and Alertmanager to monitor Calico Enterprise metrics.
noteIf you have an existing Prometheus operator in your cluster that you want to use, skip this step. To work with Calico Enterprise, your Prometheus operator must be v0.40.0 or higher.
kubectl create -f https://downloads.tigera.io/ee/v3.20.1/manifests/tigera-prometheus-operator.yaml
Install your pull secret.
If pulling images directly from
, you will likely want to use the credentials provided to you by your Tigera support representative. If using a private registry, use your private registry credentials instead.kubectl create secret generic tigera-pull-secret \
--type=kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson -n tigera-operator \
--from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/pull/secret> -
Install any extra Calico Enterprise resources needed at cluster start using calicoctl.
Install the Tigera custom resources. For more information on configuration options available in this manifest, see the installation reference.
kubectl create -f https://downloads.tigera.io/ee/v3.20.1/manifests/custom-resources.yaml
Monitor progress with the following command:
watch kubectl get tigerastatus
Wait until the
shows a status ofAvailable
, then proceed to the next section.
Install the Calico Enterprise license
To use Calico Enterprise, you must install the license provided to you by Tigera.
kubectl create -f </path/to/license.yaml>
Monitor progress with the following command:
watch kubectl get tigerastatus
Next steps
- Configure access to the Calico Enterprise web console
- Authentication quickstart
- Configure an external identity provider
Recommended - Networking
- The default networking uses IP-in-IP with BGP routing. For all networking options, see Determine best networking option.
Recommended - Security