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Version: 3.18 (latest)

Upgrade Calico to Calico Enterprise installed with Helm


All upgrades in Calico Enterprise are free with a valid license.

Upgrades paths​

Upgrading to Calico Enterprise v3.13 and above, from Calico 3.22 and below is currently unsupported.

Prepare your cluster for the upgrade​

Calico Enterprise creates default-deny policies for all Calico and Tigera namespaces, including calico-system. If you deploy workloads into the calico-system namespace, you must create policy that allows the required traffic for your workloads prior to upgrade.

Upgrade from Calico to Calico Enterprise​


The following steps assume the Calico deployment is installed on tigera-operator namespace. Replace with valid namespace otherwise.

  1. Get the Helm chart

    curl -O -L
  2. Install the Calico Enterprise custom resource definitions.

    kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f
    kubectl create -f
    kubectl create -f
  3. Configure a storage class for Calico Enterprise

  4. Run the Helm upgrade command for tigera-operator:

    helm upgrade calico tigera-operator-v3.18.3-0.tgz \
    --set-file imagePullSecrets.tigera-pull-secret=<path/to/pull/secret>,tigera-prometheus-operator.imagePullSecrets.tigera-pull-secret=<path/to/pull/secret> \
    --namespace tigera-operator
  5. Wait until the apiserver shows a status of Available, then proceed to the next section. You can monitor progress with the following command:

    watch kubectl get tigerastatus/apiserver
  6. Install your Calico Enterprise license.

    kubectl create -f </path/to/license.yaml>
  7. Monitor progress, wait until all components show a status of Available, then proceed to the next step.

    watch kubectl get tigerastatus

    If there are any problems you can use kubectl get tigerastatus -o yaml to get more details.

Next steps​