Upgrade Calico Enterprise installed with Helm
All upgrades in Calico Enterprise are free with a valid license.
Verify that your Kubernetes cluster is using Helm
kubectl get tigerastatus
If the result is successful, then your installation is using Helm.
Prepare your cluster for the upgrade
During the upgrade the controller that manages Elasticsearch is updated. Because of this, the Calico Enterprise LogStorage CR is temporarily removed during upgrade. Features that depend on LogStorage are temporarily unavailable, among which are the dashboards in the web console. Data ingestion is temporarily paused and will continue when the LogStorage is up and running again.
To retain data from your current installation (optional), ensure that the currently mounted persistent volumes have their reclaim policy set to retain data. Retaining data is only recommended for users that use a valid Elastic license. Trial licenses can get invalidated during the upgrade.
If your cluster has Windows nodes and uses custom TLS certificates for log storage then, prior to upgrade, prepare and apply new certificates for log storage that include the required service DNS names.
Upgrade OwnerReferences
If you do not use OwnerReferences on resources in the projectcalico.org/v3 API group, you can skip this section.
Starting in Calico Enterprise v3.19, a change in the way UIDs are generated for projectcalico.org/v3 resources requires that you update any OwnerReferences that refer to projectcalico.org/v3 resources as an owner. After upgrade, the UID for all projectcalico.org/v3 resources will be changed, resulting in any owned resources being garbage collected by Kubernetes.
- Remove any OwnerReferences from resources in your cluster that have
apiGroup: projectcalico.org/v3
. - Perform the upgrade normally.
- Add new OwnerReferences to your resources referencing the new UID.
Default Deny
Calico Enterprise creates a default-deny for the calico-system namespace. If you deploy workloads into the calico-system namespace, you must create policy that allows the required traffic for your workloads prior to upgrade.
Upgrade from 3.18 or later
These steps differ based on your cluster type. If you are unsure of your cluster type, look at the field clusterManagementType
when you run kubectl get installation -o yaml
before you proceed.
Get the Helm chart
curl -O -L https://downloads.tigera.io/ee/charts/tigera-operator-v3.20.1-0.tgz
Install the Calico Enterprise custom resource definitions.
kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f https://downloads.tigera.io/ee/v3.20.1/manifests/operator-crds.yaml
kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f https://downloads.tigera.io/ee/v3.20.1/manifests/prometheus-operator-crds.yaml
kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f https://downloads.tigera.io/ee/v3.20.1/manifests/eck-operator-crds.yaml -
If your cluster is v3.19 or older, update
enabled to true.If your
configuration does not includepacketCaptureAPI
, addpacketCaptureAPI
to the configuration and setenabled
enabled: trueor
If you are using default
, copy the customvalues.yaml
and update packetCaptureAPI'senabled
. Then, replace<path-to-values.yaml>
in the next step with this modifiedvalues.yaml
for the helm upgrade.helm show values ./tigera-operator-v3.20.1-0.tgz >values.yaml
Optional: Compliance and packetcapture features are optional. To enable or maintain the enabled status, review the
file and set the flag toenabled: true
.If your
configuration does not includecompliance
, add them to the configuration and set toenabled: true
enabled: true
If you are using default
, copy the customvalues.yaml
and update compliance and packetCaptureAPI'senabled
. Then, replace<path-to-values.yaml>
in the next step with this modifiedvalues.yaml
for the helm upgrade.helm show values ./tigera-operator-v3.20.1-0.tgz >values.yaml
Run the Helm upgrade command for
and make sure to either updatevalues.yaml
with your configuration or use customvalues.yaml
helm upgrade calico-enterprise --values=<path-to-values-yaml> tigera-operator-v3.20.1-0.tgz \
--set-file imagePullSecrets.tigera-pull-secret=<path-to-pull-secret>,tigera-prometheus-operator.imagePullSecrets.tigera-pull-secret=<path-to-pull-secret> \
--set-file licenseKeyContent=<path-to-license-file-yaml> \
--namespace tigera-operator
If you previously upgraded from open source to enterprise, your installation name will be calico
. Substitute the command
above with helm upgrade calico ...
- You can monitor progress with the following command:
watch kubectl get tigerastatus
Make sure you have the CNI Type
defined in your values.yaml
file, especially if it is different from the default CNI
If there are any problems you can use kubectl get tigerastatus -o yaml
to get more details.