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Calico Enterprise 3.20 (latest) documentation

Create a Calico Enterprise management cluster

Big picture​

Create a Calico Enterprise management cluster to manage multiple clusters from a single management plane using Helm 3.


Helm charts are a way to package up an application for Kubernetes (similar to apt or yum for operating systems). Helm is also used by tools like ArgoCD to manage applications in a cluster, taking care of install, upgrade (and rollback if needed), etc.

Before you begin​



Operator-based installation​

In this guide, you install the Tigera Calico operator and custom resource definitions using the Helm 3 chart. The Tigera operator provides lifecycle management for Calico Enterprise exposed via the Kubernetes API defined as a custom resource definition.

How to​

Get the Helm chart​

curl -O -L

Prepare the Installation Configuration​

You must provide the desired configuration for your cluster via the values.yaml, otherwise installation will use the default settings based on the auto-detected provider. The configurations you need to provide depends on your cluster's settings and your desired state.

Some important configurations you might need to provide to the installer (via values.yaml) includes (but not limited to): kubernetesProvider, cni type, or if you need to customize TLS certificates.

Here are some examples for updating values.yaml with your configurations:

Example 1. Providing kubernetesProvider: if you are installing on a cluster installed by EKS, set the kubernetesProvider as described in the Installation reference

echo '{ installation: {kubernetesProvider: EKS }}' > values.yaml

Example 2. Providing custom settings in values.yaml for Azure AKS cluster with no Kubernetes CNI pre-installed:

cat > values.yaml <<EOF
kubernetesProvider: AKS
type: Calico
bgp: Disabled
- cidr:
encapsulation: VXLAN

For more information about configurable options via values.yaml please see Helm installation reference.

Install Calico Enterprise​

To install a Calico Enterprise management cluster with Helm, using a NodePort service:

  1. Configure a storage class for Calico Enterprise.

  2. Export the service node port number


Export the public address or host of the management cluster. (Ex. "" or "".)

export MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_ADDR=<your-management-cluster-addr>:$EXT_SERVICE_NODE_PORT
  1. Export one or more managed clusters.

Generate the base64 encoded CRT and KEY for a managed cluster:

openssl genrsa 2048 | base64 -w 0 > my-managed-cluster.key.base64
openssl req -new -key <(base64 -d my-managed-cluster.key.base64) -subj "/CN=my-managed-cluster" | \
openssl x509 -req -signkey <(base64 -d my-managed-cluster.key.base64) -days 365 | base64 -w 0 > my-managed-cluster.crt.base64

Export the managed cluster variables:

export MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME=my-managed-cluster
export MANAGED_CLUSTER_CERTIFICATE=$(cat my-managed-cluster.crt.base64)
  1. Append the management cluster context to your values.yaml:
echo "
enabled: true
enabled: true
type: NodePort
port: 9449
targetPort: 9449
protocol: TCP

enabled: true
certificate: $MANAGED_CLUSTER_CERTIFICATE" >> values.yaml
  1. Install the Tigera operator and custom resource definitions using the Helm 3 chart:
helm install calico-enterprise tigera-operator-v3.20.2-0.tgz -f values.yaml \
--set-file imagePullSecrets.tigera-pull-secret=<path/to/pull/secret>,tigera-prometheus-operator.imagePullSecrets.tigera-pull-secret=<path/to/pull/secret> \
--set-file licenseKeyContent=<path/to/license/file/yaml> \
--namespace tigera-operator --create-namespace
  1. You can now monitor progress with the following command:
watch kubectl get tigerastatus

Create an admin user and verify management cluster connection​

To access resources in a managed cluster from the Calico Enterprise web console within the management cluster, the logged-in user must have appropriate permissions defined in that managed cluster (clusterrole bindings).

Create an admin user, mcm-user, in the default namespace with full permissions, and token.

kubectl create sa mcm-user
kubectl create clusterrolebinding mcm-user-admin --clusterrole=tigera-network-admin --serviceaccount=default:mcm-user
kubectl create token mcm-user -n default

Use the generated token, to connect to the UI. In the top right banner in the UI, your management cluster is displayed as the first entry in the cluster selection drop-down menu with the fixed name, management cluster.

Congratulations! You have now installed Calico Enterprise for a management cluster using the Helm 3 chart.

Next steps​


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