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Calico Enterprise 3.19 (latest) documentation

Extend Kubernetes to Fortinet firewall devices

Big picture​

Use Calico Enterprise network policy to control traffic from Kubernetes clusters in your FortiGate firewalls.


As platform and security engineers, you want your apps to securely communicate with the external world. But you also want to secure the network traffic from the Kubernetes clusters using your Fortigate firewalls. Using the Fortinet/Calico Enterprise integration, security teams can retain firewall responsibility, secure traffic using Calico Enterprise network policy, which frees up time for ITOps.


Integration at a glance​

This Calico Enterprise/Fortinet integration workflow lets you control egress traffic leaving the Kubernetes cluster. You create perimeter firewall policies in FortiManager and FortiGate that reference Kubernetes workloads. Calico Enterprise acts as a conduit, using the tigera-firewall-controller and global network policies to pass Kubernetes workload information to FortiManager and Fortigate devices where policies are applied and enforced.

The basic workflow is:

  1. Determine the Kubernetes pods that are allowed access outside the perimeter firewall.
  2. Create Calico Enterprise global network policies with selectors that match those pods. Each global network policy maps to an address group in the FortiGate firewall.
  3. Deploy the tigera firewall controller in the Kubernetes cluster.
  4. Create a ConfigMap with Fortinet firewall information.
    The tigera firewall controller reads the ConfigMap, gets the FortiGate firewall IP address, API token, and source IP address selection with node or pod. In your Kubernetes cluster, the controller populates pod IPs or Kubernetes node IPs of selector matching pods in Fortigate address group objects.

Before you begin​

Supported versions

  • FortiGate v6.2
  • FortiManager v6.4


  • Pull secret that you used during Calico Enterprise installation
  • IPv4 CIDR’s or IP addresses of all Kubernetes nodes; this is required for FortiManager to treat Kubernetes nodes as trusted hosts.


How to​

Create tier and global network policy​

  1. Create a tier for organizing global network policies.

    Create a new Tier to organize all Fortigate firewall global network policies in a single location.

  2. Note the tier name to use in a later step for the FortiGate firewall information config map.

  3. Create a GlobalNetworkPolicy for address group mappings.

    For example, a GlobalNetworkPolicy can select a set of pods that require egress access to external workloads. In the following GlobalNetworkPolicy, the firewall controller creates an address group named, default.production-microservice1 in the Fortigate firewall. The members of default.production-microservice1 address group include IP addresses of nodes. Each node can host one or more pods whose label selector match with env == 'prod' && role == 'microservice1'. Each GlobalNetworkPolicy maps to an address group in FortiGate firewall.

    kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy
    name: default.production-microservice1
    selector: "env == 'prod' && role == 'microservice1'"
    - Egress
    - action: Allow

Configure FortiGate firewall to communicate with firewall controller​

  1. Determine and note the CIDR's or IP addresses of all Kubernetes nodes that can run the tigera-firewall-controller. Required to explicitly allow the tigera-firewall-controller to access the FortiGate API.
  2. Create an Admin profile with read-write access to Address and Address Group Objects. For example: tigera_api_user_profile
  3. Create a REST API Administrator, associate this user with the tigera_api_user_profile profile, and add the CIDR or IP address of your Kubernetes cluster nodes as trusted hosts. For example: calico_enterprise_api_user
  4. Note the API key.

Configure FortiManager to communicate with firewall controller​

  1. Determine and note the CIDR's or IP addresses of all Kubernetes nodes that can run the tigera-firewall-controller. Required to explicitly allow the tigera-firewall-controller to access the FortiManager API.
  2. From system settings, create an Admin profile with Read-Write access for Policy & Objects. For example: tigera_api_user_profile
  3. Create a JSON API administrator, associate this user with the tigera_api_user_profile profile, and add the CIDR or IP address of your Kubernetes cluster nodes as Trusted Hosts.
  4. Note the username and password.

Create a config map for address selection in firewall controller​

  1. Create a namespace for tigera-firewall-controller.

     kubectl create namespace tigera-firewall-controller
  2. Create a config map with FortiGate firewall information.

    For example:

    kubectl -n tigera-firewall-controller create configmap  tigera-firewall-controller \
    --from-literal=tigera.firewall.policy.selector=" == 'default'" \

    ConfigMap values

    FieldEnter values...
    tigera.firewall.policy.selectorThe tier name with the global network policies with the Fortigate address group mappings.
    For example, this selects the global network policies in the default tier:
    `tigera.firewall.policy.selector: " == 'default'"
    tigera.firewall.addressSelectionThe addressSelection for outbound traffic leaving the cluster.
    For example, if outgoingNat is enabled in cluster and compute Node IP address is used "tigera.firewall.addressSelection == node or
    If pod IP address used then "tigera.firewall.addressSelection == pod"

Create a config map with FortiGate and FortiManager information​

  1. In the Fortigate ConfigMap manifest, add your FortiGate firewall information in the data section, tigera.firewall.fortigate.


    nameFortiGate device name
    ipFortiGate Management Ip address
    apikeySecret in tigera-firewall-controller namespace, to store FortiGate's APIKey
    apikey.secretKeyRef.nameName of the secret to store APIKey
    apikey.secretKeyRef.keyKey name in the secret, which stores APIKey
    vdomFortiGate VDOM name

    For example:

    - name: prod-eastcoast-1
    name: fortigate-east1
    key: apikey-fortigate-east1
    vdom: fortigate-vdom1
    - name: prod-eastcoast-2
    name: fortigate-east2
    key: apikey-fortigate-east2
    vdom: fortigate-vdom2
  2. In the FortiManager ConfigMap manifest, add your FortiManager information in the data section, tigera.firewall.fortimgr.


    nameFortiManager device name
    ipFortiManager Management Ip address
    adomFortiManager ADOM name to manage kubernetes cluster.
    usernameJSON api access account name to Read/Write FortiManager address objects.
    passwordSecret in tigera-firewall-controller namespace, to store FortiManager password
    password.secretKeyRef.nameName of the secret to store password.
    password.secretKeyRef.keyKey name in the secret, which stores password.

    For example:

    - name: prod-east1
    username: api_user
    adom: root
    name: fortimgr-east1
    key: pwd-fortimgr-east1

If you are not using FortiManager in the integration, include only the following field in the ConfigMap data section. tigera.firewall.fortimgr: |

  1. Apply the manifest.

    kubectl apply -f

Install FortiGate ApiKey and FortiManager password as secrets​

  1. Store each FortiGate API key as a secret in the tigera-firewall-controller namespace. For example, the FortiGate device, prod-east1, store its ApiKey as a secret name as fortigate-east1, with key as apikey-fortigate-east1.

    kubectl create secret generic fortigate-east1 \
    -n tigera-firewall-controller \
  2. Store each FortiManager password as secret in the tigera-firewall-controller namespace. For example, for FortiMgr prod-east1, store its password as a secret name as fortimgr-east1, with key as pwd-fortimgr-east1.

    kubectl create secret generic fortimgr-east1 \
    -n tigera-firewall-controller \

Deploy firewall controller in the Kubernetes cluster​

  1. Install your pull secret.

    kubectl create secret generic tigera-pull-secret \
    --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/pull/secret> \ -n tigera-firewall-controller
  2. Apply the manifest.

    kubectl apply -f

Verify the integration​

  1. Log in to the FortiGate firewall user interface.
  2. Under Policy & Objects, click Addresses.
  3. Verify that your Kubernetes-related address objects and address group objects are created with the following comments "Managed by Tigera Calico Enterprise".

Fof all FortiManagers that are configured to work with firewall-controller, log in to each FortiManager UI with the correct ADOM.

  1. Click Policy & Objects, Object Configuration, **Addresses.
  2. Verify that your Kubernetes-related address objects and address group objects are created with the following comments "Managed by Tigera Calico Enterprise".

Additional resources​