Preview policy impacts
Big picture
Preview the impacts of policy changes before you apply them.
Create, update, and delete policy with confidence knowing you will not unintentionally expose or block other network traffic.
Before you begin...
You must have a running kubernetes cluster with Calico Enterprise installed.
You must have permissions to make policy changes. Users can only preview a change if RBAC allows them to make the change. Note that the tigera-ui-user
role does not have permission to modify policy, and therefore will not allow users to preview changes.
How to
- From the Edit Policy page on the web console, modify any attribute of the policy.
- Before applying it, click the "preview" button at the top right. This launches the flow log visualizer.
- Click the "changes applied" toggle to see how flows would change if the changes are applied.
- Click the "only changed flows" to hide all flows that remained the same before and after the change.
- Click the left arrow at the top-right corner of the view to return to the edit policy page.
There may be some flows that Calico Enterprise will not be able to predict. Those flows will appear as "Uncertain" as per the legend at the bottom right.