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Version: 3.19 (latest)

Configure access to Calico Enterprise Manager UI

Big picture

Configure access to the Calico Enterprise Manager user interface.


For security, the Calico Enterprise Manager UI is not exposed outside of the cluster by default. You can configure access to Calico Enterprise Manager UI using ingress, a load balancer service, or port forwarding.

Before you begin


Kubernetes ingressConfigure your cluster with an ingress controller to implement the Ingress resource using Kubernetes ingress.Ensure the Calico Enterprise Manager receives a HTTPS (TLS) connection (not unencrypted HTTP). If you require TLS termination at your ingress, you must use a proxy that supports transparent HTTP/2 proxying, (for example, Envoy), or re-originate a TLS connection from your proxy to the Calico Enterprise Manager. If you do not require TLS termination, configure your proxy to “pass thru” the TLS to Calico Enterprise Manager.
Load balancerConfigure your cluster with a service load balancer controller to implement the external load balancer. See Kubernetes loadbalancerEnsure the Calico Enterprise Manager receives a HTTPS (TLS) connection (not unencrypted HTTP). If you require TLS termination at your load balancer, you must use a load balancer that supports transparent HTTP/2 proxying, or re-originate a TLS connection from your load balancer to the Calico Enterprise Manager. If you do not require TLS termination, configure your proxy to “pass thru” the TLS to Calico Enterprise Manager.
Port forwardingForward traffic from a local port to the Kubernetes API server, where it is proxied to the Manager UI. This approach is not recommended for production, but is useful if you do not have a load balancer or ingress infrastructure configured, or you need to get started quickly.n/a
OpenShift routesUse OpenShift routes to expose a service by giving it an externally-reachable hostname (for example, .n/a

How to

Configure access to Calico Enterprise Manager UI

Basic ingress controller, no modification

The following example uses tigera-manager as the backend service without modification. Use the tigera-manager service only when edits to the service are not required. (Note if you try to make changes to tigera-manager, changes may appear to take effect, but the service always resets to the default and is not overwritten.)

kind: Ingress
name: tigera-manager
namespace: tigera-manager
- http:
- path: /
pathType: ImplementationSpecific
name: tigera-manager
number: 9443

Advanced ingress controllers, with modifications

If you need to annotate or modify the service, you must create your own service (serviceName: <your own name>) in the tigera-manager namespace, and use it in the ingress resource. For example:

kind: Ingress
name: tigera-manager
namespace: tigera-manager
- http:
- path: /
pathType: ImplementationSpecific
name: annotated-service
number: 9443

Log in to Calico Enterprise Manager UI

Access the Calico Enterprise Manager UI in your browser at: https://localhost:9443

Additional resources