Authentication quickstart
Big picture
Get started quickly with our default token authentication to log in to the Calico Enterprise web console and Kibana.
Authentication defaults
Token authentication is the default authentication option for the Calico Enterprise web console. When a service account is created, an associated secret is created that contains a signed bearer token for that service account. Just copy the token for the service account in to the web console and log in.
Use basic login for the default Kibana root user.
The default login methods are always available at:
- the Calico Enterprise web console:
. - Kibana:
Before you begin
Make sure you have installed Calico Enterprise using one of the installation guides and have set up access to the web console.
How to
For OpenShift, replace kubectl
with oc
in the following commands.
Log in to the Calico Enterprise web console
First, create a service account in the desired namespace:
kubectl create sa <user> -n <namespace>
Give the service account permissions to access the Calico Enterprise web console, and a Calico Enterprise cluster role:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding <binding_name> --clusterrole <role_name> --serviceaccount <namespace>:<service_account>
- binding_name is a descriptive name for the rolebinding.
- role_name is one of the default cluster roles (or a custom cluster role) specifying Calico Enterprise UI permissions.
- namespace is the service account's namespace.
- service_account is the service account that the permissions are being associated with.
For example, the following command gives the service account, jane
in the default namespace network admin permissions:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding jane-access --clusterrole tigera-network-admin --serviceaccount default:jane
Next, create a login token for the service account.
Using the running example of a service account named, jane
in the default namespace:
kubectl create token jane --duration=24h
The token created above will expire after 24 hours.
Now that you have the token, log in to the Calico Enterprise UI and submit the token.
Log in to Kibana
Connect to Kibana with the elastic
username. Use the following command to decode the password:
kubectl -n tigera-elasticsearch get secret tigera-secure-es-elastic-user -o go-template='{{.data.elastic | base64decode}}' && echo
Once logged in, you can configure users and their privileges from the settings page.