Secure Calico component communications
📄️ Configure encryption and authentication to secure Calico Enterprise components
Enable TLS authentication and encryption for various Calico Enterprise components.
📄️ Secure Calico Enterprise Prometheus endpoints
Limit access to Calico Enterprise metric endpoints using network policy.
📄️ Secure BGP sessions
Configure BGP passwords to prevent attackers from injecting false routing information.
📄️ Provide TLS certificates for Calico Enterprise Manager
Add TLS certificates to secure access to Calico Enterprise Manager user interface.
📄️ Provide TLS certificates for log storage
Add TLS certificate to secure access to log storage.
📄️ Provide TLS certificates for Linseed APIs
Add TLS certificate to secure access to Linseed APIs.
📄️ Provide TLS certificates for the API server
Add TLS certificates to secure access to the Calico Enterprise API server.
📄️ Provide TLS certificates for Typha and Node
Add TLS certificates to secure communications between if you are using Typha to scale your deployment.
📄️ Provide TLS certificates for compliance
Add TLS certificate to secure access to compliance.
📄️ Provide TLS certificates for PacketCapture APIs
Add TLS certificate to secure access to PacketCapture APIs.
📄️ Manage TLS certificates used by Calico Enterprise
Control the issuer of certificates used by Calico Enterprise.