Provide TLS certificates for compliance
Big picture
Provide TLS certificates to secure access to Calico Enterprise to the compliance components.
Providing TLS certificates for Calico Enterprise compliance components is recommended as part of a zero trust network model for security.
Before you begin...
By default, Calico Enterprise uses self-signed certificates for its compliance reporting components. To provide TLS certificates,
get the certificate and key pair for the Calico Enterprise compliance using any X.509-compatible tool or from your organization's
Certificate Authority. The certificate must have Common Name or a Subject Alternate Name of compliance.tigera-compliance.svc
How to
Add TLS certificates for compliance
To provide TLS certificates for use by Calico Enterprise compliance components during deployment, you must create a secret before applying the 'custom-resource.yaml' or before creating the Compliance resource. Use the following command to create a secret:
kubectl create secret generic tigera-compliance-server-tls -n tigera-operator --from-file=tls.crt=</path/to/certificate-file> --from-file=tls.key=</path/to/key-file>
To update existing certificates, run the following command:
kubectl create secret generic tigera-compliance-server-tls -n tigera-operator --from-file=tls.crt=</path/to/certificate-file> --from-file=tls.key=</path/to/key-file> --dry-run -o yaml --save-config | kubectl replace -f -