📄️ calicoctl user reference
The command line interface tool (CLI) to manage Calico Enterprise network and security policy.
📄️ calicoctl apply
Command to apply a policy.
🗃️ bgp
2 items
📄️ calicoctl captured-packets
Command to access capture files generated by a PacketCapture.
🗃️ cluster
2 items
📄️ calicoctl convert
Command to convert contents of policy.yaml to v3 policy.
📄️ calicoctl create
Command to create a policy.
📄️ calicoctl delete
Command to delete a policy.
📄️ calicoctl get
Command to list policies in the default output format.
🗃️ ipam
6 items
🗃️ datastore
2 items
📄️ calicoctl label
Command to change labels for workload endpoints or nodes.
🗃️ node
5 items
📄️ calicoctl patch
Command to update a node with a patch.
📄️ calicoctl replace
Command to replace an existing policy with a different one.
📄️ calicoctl version
Command to display the calicoctl CLI version.