Prometheus metrics
Felix can be configured to report a number of metrics through Prometheus. See the configuration reference for how to enable metrics reporting.
Metric referenceβ
Felix specificβ
Felix exports a number of Prometheus metrics. The current set is as follows. Since some metrics are tied to particular implementation choices inside Felix we can't make any hard guarantees that metrics will persist across releases. However, we aim not to make any spurious changes to existing metrics.
Cluster-wide metricsβ
Name | Description |
felix_cluster_num_host_endpoints | Total number of host endpoints cluster-wide. |
felix_cluster_num_hosts | Total number of Calico Enterprise hosts in the cluster. |
felix_cluster_num_policies | Total number of policies in the cluster. |
felix_cluster_num_profiles | Total number of profiles in the cluster. |
felix_cluster_num_tiers | Total number of Calico Enterprise tiers in the cluster. |
felix_cluster_num_workload_endpoints | Total number of workload endpoints cluster-wide. |
General metricsβ
Name | Description |
felix_active_local_endpoints | Number of active endpoints (workload+host) on this host. |
felix_active_local_policies | Number of active policies on this host. Only "active" policies that match a local endpoint have a significant cost. |
felix_active_local_selectors | Number of active selectors on this host. Only "active" rule src/dest selectors have significant cost. |
felix_exec_time_micros | Summary of time taken to fork/exec child processes. |
felix_log_errors | Number of errors encountered while making normal "process" logs (for example to stdout). |
felix_logs_dropped | Number of logs dropped because the output stream was blocked. |
Calculation graph metricsβ
The calculation graph processes updates from the datastore to calculate the active endpoints/policy/etc for this node.
Name | Description |
felix_calc_graph_output_events | Number of events emitted by the calculation graph. |
felix_calc_graph_update_time_seconds | Seconds to update calculation graph for each datastore OnUpdate call. |
felix_calc_graph_updates_processed | Number of datastore updates processed by the calculation graph. |
Common data plane metricsβ
Name | Description |
felix_resyncs_started | Number of times Felix has started resyncing with the datastore. (Not meaningful in a Typha deployment.) |
felix_resync_state | Current datastore-dataplane synchronisation state, encoded as a number 1="waiting for datastore", 2="resync in progress", 3="in sync with datastore". |
felix_int_dataplane_addr_msg_batch_size | Number of interface address messages processed in each batch. Higher values indicate we're doing more batching to try to keep up. |
felix_int_dataplane_apply_time_seconds | Time in seconds that it took to apply a data plane update. |
felix_int_dataplane_failures | Number of times data plane updates failed and will be retried. |
felix_int_dataplane_iface_msg_batch_size | Number of interface state messages processed in each batch. Higher values indicate we're doing more batching to try to keep up. |
felix_int_dataplane_messages | Number data plane messages by type. |
felix_int_dataplane_msg_batch_size | Number of messages processed in each batch. Higher values indicate we're doing more batching to try to keep up. |
felix_route_table_list_seconds | Time taken to list all the interfaces during a resync. |
felix_route_table_per_iface_sync_seconds | Time taken to sync each interface |
iptables data plane metricsβ
Name | Description |
felix_iptables_chains | Number of active iptables chains. |
felix_iptables_lines_executed | Number of iptables rule updates executed. |
felix_iptables_lock_acquire_secs | Time taken to acquire the iptables lock. |
felix_iptables_lock_retries | Number of times the iptables lock was already held and felix had to retry to acquire it. |
felix_iptables_restore_calls | Number of iptables-restore calls. |
felix_iptables_restore_errors | Number of iptables-restore errors. |
felix_iptables_rules | Number of active iptables rules. |
felix_iptables_save_calls | Number of iptables-save calls. |
felix_iptables_save_errors | Number of iptables-save errors. |
BPF data plane metricsβ
Name | Description |
felix_bpf_dataplane_endpoints | Number of BPF endpoints managed in the data plane. |
felix_bpf_dirty_dataplane_endpoints | Number of BPF endpoints managed in the data plane that are left dirty after a failure. |
felix_bpf_happy_dataplane_endpoints | Number of BPF endpoints that are successfully programmed. |
felix_bpf_conntrack_cleaned | Number of entries cleaned during a conntrack table sweep. |
felix_bpf_conntrack_cleaned_total | Total number of entries cleaned during conntrack table sweeps, incremented for each clean individually. |
felix_bpf_conntrack_expired | Number of entries cleaned during a conntrack table sweep due to expiration. |
felix_bpf_conntrack_expired_total | Total number of entries cleaned during conntrack table sweep due to expiration - by reason. |
felix_bpf_conntrack_inforeader_blocks | Conntrack InfoReader would-blocks. |
felix_bpf_conntrack_stale_nat | Number of entries cleaned during a conntrack table sweep due to stale NAT. |
felix_bpf_conntrack_stale_nat_total | Total number of entries cleaned during conntrack table sweeps due to stale NAT. |
felix_bpf_conntrack_sweeps | Number of conntrack table sweeps made so far. |
felix_bpf_conntrack_used | Number of used entries visited during a conntrack table sweep. |
felix_bpf_conntrack_sweep_duration | Conntrack sweep execution time (ns). |
felix_bpf_num_ip_sets | Number of BPF IP sets managed in the data plane. |
BPF events listener metricsβ
Low level component that receives messages from the BPF programs when notable events occur (suach as policy decisions).
Name | Description |
felix_bpf_events | Number of events generated by BPF data plane split by type/category. |
felix_bpf_events_collector_blocks | Number of times the output channel of the event loop blocked (because the downstream reader didn't keep up). |
Egress gateway function metricsβ
Name | Description |
felix_egress_gateway_remote_polls{status="total"} | Total number of remote egress gateway pods that Felix is polling for health/connectivity. Only egress gateways with a named "health" port will be polled. |
felix_egress_gateway_remote_polls{status="up"} | Total number of remote egress gateway pods that have successful probes. |
felix_egress_gateway_remote_polls{status="probe-failed"} | Total number of remote egress gateway pods that have failed probes. |
IPSec function metricsβ
Name | Description |
felix_ipsec_bindings_total | Total number of ipsec bindings. |
felix_ipsec_errors | Number of ipsec command failures. |
felix_ipset_calls | Number of ipset commands executed. |
felix_ipset_errors | Number of ipset command failures. |
felix_ipset_lines_executed | Number of ipset operations executed. |
felix_ipsets_calico | Number of active Calico Enterprise IP sets. |
felix_ipsets_total | Total number of active IP sets. |
NFLOG reader metricsβ
Low level component that receives messages from the kernel when packets hit certain iptables rules. Used to collect policy verdicts, and DNS packets.
Name | Description |
felix_nflog_netlink_messages_received | Total number of NFLOG "envelope" messages received from the kernel, broken down by NFLOG group. Each envelope message holds one or more NFLOGs. |
felix_nflog_logs_received | Total number of NFLOG logs received from the kernel, broken down by NFLOG group. NFLOG messages are sent from the kernel for each policy verdict and for DNS logs. |
felix_nflog_buffer_overruns | Total number of times the kernel had to drop NFLOG messages because the kernel-to-Felix buffer was full. |
felix_nflog_block_time_seconds | Total amount of time the NFLOG reader spent blocking waiting to send data to the "NFLOG aggregator". |
felix_nflog_parse_errors | Total number of errors encountered when trying to parse NFLOG messages. |
felix_nflog_aggregates_created | Total number of NFLOG "aggregates" created. Aggregates combine NFLOG messages that share the same 5-tuple before passing to the "collector". |
felix_nflog_aggregates_flushed | Total number of NFLOG "aggregates" flushed to the "collector". The difference between this value and the "created" value shows how many aggregates are pending. |
Flow logs collector metricsβ
Component that collects flow logs and metrics.
Name | Description |
felix_collector_allowed_flowlog_aggregator_store | Total number of FlowEntries with a given action currently residing in the FlowStore cache used by the aggregator. |
felix_collector_conntrack_processing_latency_seconds | Histogram for measuring the latency of Conntrack processing. |
felix_collector_dataplanestats_update_processing_errors_per_minute | Number of errors encountered when processing merging the proto.DataplaneStatistics to the current data cache. |
felix_collector_dataplanestats_update_processing_latency_seconds | Histogram for measuring latency for processing merging the proto.DataplaneStatistics to the current data cache. |
felix_collector_dumpstats_latency_seconds | Histogram for measuring latency for processing cached stats to stats file. |
felix_collector_epstats | Total number of entries currently residing in the endpoints statistics cache. |
felix_collector_lookupcache_endpoints | Number of endpoints tracked in the look-up cache, used to resolve IP addresses to identities. |
felix_collector_lookupcache_networksets | Number of NetowrkSets tracked in the look-up cache, used to resolve IP addresses to identities. |
felix_collector_lookupcache_services | Number of Services tracked in the look-up cache, used to resolve IP addresses to identities. |
felix_collector_lookups_cache_policies | Number of policies tracked in the look-up cache, used to resolve IP addresses to identities. |
felix_collector_packet_info_processing_latency_seconds | Histogram for measuring latency of processing "packet info" aggregates from the data plane. |
DNS Policy/Logging metricsβ
Name | Description |
felix_dns_req_packets_in | Number of DNS request packets received. |
felix_dns_invalid_packets_in | Number of invalid DNS packets received. |
felix_dns_non_query_packets_in | Number of non-query DNS packets received (and ignored). |
felix_dns_resp_packets_in | Number of DNS responses received. |
DNS DelayDeniedPacket
mode metricsβ
Name | Description |
felix_dns_packet_nfqueue_monitor_hold_time | Summary of the length of time the DNS response packets were held in userspace. |
felix_dns_packet_nfqueue_monitor_num_unreleased_packets | Gauge of the number of DNS response packets to release currently in memory. |
felix_dns_packet_nfqueue_monitor_packets_in | Number of packets queued to Felix for delay. |
felix_dns_packet_nfqueue_monitor_packets_released_conn_closed | Count of how many DNS response packets in userspace have been dropped due to an NFQUEUE connection close. |
felix_dns_packet_nfqueue_monitor_packets_released_programmed | Count of how many DNS response packets have been released after updating data plane. |
felix_dns_packet_nfqueue_monitor_packets_released_timeout | Count of how many DNS response packets have been released due to exceeding the delay timeout. |
felix_dns_packet_nfqueue_monitor_queued_latency | Summary of time packets spent delayed in the queue. |
felix_dns_packet_nfqueue_monitor_shutdown_count | Count of how many times nfqueue was shut down due to an error. |
felix_dns_packet_nfqueue_monitor_verdict_failed | Count of the number of times setting the verdict on a packet failed. |
DNS DelayDNSResponse
mode metricsβ
Name | Description |
felix_dns_policy_nfqueue_monitor_nf_verdict_failed | Count of how many times that the packet processor has failed to set the verdict on the packet. |
felix_dns_policy_nfqueue_monitor_packets_dnr_dropped | Count of the number of packets that have been dropped because the "do not recycle" mark was present. |
felix_dns_policy_nfqueue_monitor_packets_in | Count of the number of packets received on the queue. |
felix_dns_policy_nfqueue_monitor_packets_released | Count of total packets released. |
felix_dns_policy_nfqueue_monitor_queued_latency | Summary of time packets spent delayed in the queue. |
felix_dns_policy_nfqueue_monitor_release_latency | Summary of the latency for releasing packets. |
felix_dns_policy_nfqueue_monitor_release_packets_batch_size | Gauge of the number of packets to release currently in memory |
felix_dns_policy_nfqueue_shutdown_count | Count of how many times nfqueue was shut down due to an error. |
Flow logs reporter metricsβ
Component that sends flow logs to syslog.
Name | Description |
felix_reporter_log_errors | Number of errors encountered while logging (flow logs) to Syslog. |
felix_reporter_logs_dropped | Number of flow logs dropped because the output was blocked in the Syslog reporter. |
Prometheus metrics are self-documenting, with metrics turned on, curl
can be used to list the
metrics along with their help text and type information.
curl -s http://localhost:9091/metrics | head
Example response:
# HELP felix_active_local_endpoints Number of active endpoints on this host.
# TYPE felix_active_local_endpoints gauge
felix_active_local_endpoints 91
# HELP felix_active_local_policies Number of active policies on this host.
# TYPE felix_active_local_policies gauge
felix_active_local_policies 0
# HELP felix_active_local_selectors Number of active selectors on this host.
# TYPE felix_active_local_selectors gauge
felix_active_local_selectors 82
Label indexing metricsβ
The label index is a subcomponent of Felix that is responsible for calculating the set of endpoints and network sets
that match each selector that is in an active policy rule. Policy rules are active on a particular node if the policy
they belong to selects a workload or host endpoint on that node with its top-level selector (in spec.selector
Inactive policies have minimal CPU cost because their selectors do not get indexed.
Since the label index must match the active selectors against all endpoints and network sets in the cluster, its performance is critical and it supports various optimizations to minimize CPU usage. Its metrics can be used to check that the optimizations are active for your policy set.
Reports the total number of endpoints (and similar objects such as network sets) being tracked by the index. This should match the number of endpoints and network sets in your cluster.
Reports the total number of active selectors, broken into optimized="true"
and optimized="false"
The optimized="true"
total tracks the number of selectors that the label index was able to optimize. Those
selectors should be calculated efficiently even in clusters with hundreds of thousands of endpoints. In general the
CPU used to calculate them should be proportional to the number of endpoints that match them and the churn rate of
those endpoints.
The optimized="false"
total tracks the number of selectors that could not be optimized. Unoptimized selectors are
much more costly to calculate; the CPU used to calculate them is proportional to the number of endpoints
in the cluster and their churn rate. It is generally OK to have a handful of unoptimized selectors,
but if many selectors are unoptimized the CPU usage can be substantial at high scale.
For more information on writing selectors that can be optimized, see the this
section of the NetworkPolicy
Counts the total number of times that a selector was evaluated vs an endpoint to determine if it matches, broken
down by match (true
) or no-match (false
). The ratio of match to no-match shows how effective the selector
indexing optimizations are for your policy set. The more effectively the label index can optimize the selectors,
the fewer "no-match" results it will report relative to "match".
If you have more than a handful of active selectors and felix_label_index_selector_evals{result="false"}
is many
times felix_label_index_selector_evals{result="true"}
then it is likely that some selectors in the policy set are
not being optimized effectively.
This is a technical statistic that shows how many times the label index has employed each optimization strategy that it has available. The strategies will likely evolve over time but, at time of writing, they are as follows:
: the least efficient fall back strategy for unoptimized selectors. The index scanned all endpoints to find the matches for a selector. -
: the most efficient strategy; the index was able to prove that nothing matched the selector so it was able to skip the scan entirely. -
: the label index was able to limit the scan to only those endpoints/parents that have a particular label and value combination. For example, selectorlabel == "value"
would only scan items that had exactly that label set to "value". -
: the label index was able to limit the scan to only those endpoints/parents that have a particular label and one of a few values. For example, selectorlabel in {"a", "b")
would only scan items that had exactly that label with one of the given values. -
: the label index was able to limit the scan to only those endpoints/parents that hava a particular label (but was unable to limit it to a particular subset of values). For example,has(label)
would result in that kind of scan.
Terminology: here "endpoint" means "endpoint or NetworkSet" and "parent" is Felix's internal name for resources like Kubernetes Namespaces. A "parent" scan means that the label index scanned all endpoints that have a parent matching the strategy.
CPU / memory metricsβ
Felix also exports the default set of metrics that Prometheus makes available. Currently, those include:
Name | Description |
go_gc_duration_seconds | A summary of the GC invocation durations. |
go_goroutines | Number of goroutines that currently exist. |
go_info | Go version. |
go_memstats_alloc_bytes | Number of bytes allocated and still in use. |
go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total | Total number of bytes allocated, even if freed. |
go_memstats_buck_hash_sys_bytes | Number of bytes used by the profiling bucket hash table. |
go_memstats_frees_total | Total number of frees. |
go_memstats_gc_cpu_fraction | The fraction of this programβs available CPU time used by the GC since the program started. |
go_memstats_gc_sys_bytes | Number of bytes used for garbage collection system metadata. |
go_memstats_heap_alloc_bytes | Number of heap bytes allocated and still in use. |
go_memstats_heap_idle_bytes | Number of heap bytes waiting to be used. |
go_memstats_heap_inuse_bytes | Number of heap bytes that are in use. |
go_memstats_heap_objects | Number of allocated objects. |
go_memstats_heap_released_bytes | Number of heap bytes released to OS. |
go_memstats_heap_sys_bytes | Number of heap bytes obtained from system. |
go_memstats_last_gc_time_seconds | Number of seconds since 1970 of last garbage collection. |
go_memstats_lookups_total | Total number of pointer lookups. |
go_memstats_mallocs_total | Total number of mallocs. |
go_memstats_mcache_inuse_bytes | Number of bytes in use by mcache structures. |
go_memstats_mcache_sys_bytes | Number of bytes used for mcache structures obtained from system. |
go_memstats_mspan_inuse_bytes | Number of bytes in use by mspan structures. |
go_memstats_mspan_sys_bytes | Number of bytes used for mspan structures obtained from system. |
go_memstats_next_gc_bytes | Number of heap bytes when next garbage collection will take place. |
go_memstats_other_sys_bytes | Number of bytes used for other system allocations. |
go_memstats_stack_inuse_bytes | Number of bytes in use by the stack allocator. |
go_memstats_stack_sys_bytes | Number of bytes obtained from system for stack allocator. |
go_memstats_sys_bytes | Number of bytes obtained by system. Sum of all system allocations. |
go_threads | Number of OS threads created. |
process_cpu_seconds_total | Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds. |
process_max_fds | Maximum number of open file descriptors. |
process_open_fds | Number of open file descriptors. |
process_resident_memory_bytes | Resident memory size in bytes. |
process_start_time_seconds | Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds. |
process_virtual_memory_bytes | Virtual memory size in bytes. |
process_virtual_memory_max_bytes | Maximum amount of virtual memory available in bytes. |
Wireguard Metricsβ
Felix also exports wireguard device stats if found/detected. Can be disabled via Felix configuration.
Name | Description |
wireguard_meta | Gauge. Device / interface information for a felix/calico node, values are in this metric's labels |
wireguard_bytes_rcvd | Counter. Current bytes received from a peer identified by a peer public key and endpoint |
wireguard_bytes_sent | Counter. Current bytes sent to a peer identified by a peer public key and endpoint |
wireguard_latest_handshake_seconds | Gauge. Last handshake with a peer, unix timestamp in seconds. |