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Calico Enterprise 3.20 (latest) documentation


Installing Calico Enterprise on your Kubernetes cluster is managed by the Tigera operator. The operator gets its configuration from the API resources and communicates through the Kubernetes API. The operator is deployed as a Deployment in the tigera-operator namespace, and records status in the tigerastatus resource. Depending on how your cluster is configured, you can get tigerastatus on these resources:

  • apiserver
  • applicationlayer
  • authentication
  • calico
  • calico-windows
  • compliance
  • egressgateway
  • intrusion detection
  • log-collector
  • log-storage
  • log-storage-access
  • log-storage-elastic
  • log-storage-kubecontrollers
  • log-storage-secrets
  • log-storage-users
  • manager
  • management-cluster-connection
  • policy-recommendation
  • secrets

Get TigeraStatus​

To get tigerastatus for a resource, run the following command:

kubectl get tigerastatus

For detailed output (including messages and further details on any non-functioning components), run either of the following commands:

kubectl describe tigerastatus X

kubectl get tigerastatus X -o yaml

Log storage​

Log storage provides persistent storage for Calico Enterprise Elasticsearch logs (flow, dns, l7, bpg, audit, etc.), and compliance reports.

To check log storage status, run the following command:

kubectl get tigerastatus log-storage

The following table lists the type of information displayed in TigerStatus for log storage.

TigeraStatus nameDisplays status of...StandaloneManaged clusterManagement cluster
log-storageLogStorage subsystem.
log-storage-elasticElasticsearch cluster and Kibana.
log-storage-kubecontrollersElasticsearch gateway and kube-controllers.
log-storage-accessCalico Enterprise log storage API service.
log-storage-secretsRequired security credentials and CA certificates for log storage components to operate.
log-storage-usersUsers provisioned to use Elasticsearch.