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Calico Enterprise 3.20 (latest) documentation

BFD configuration

A bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) configuration resource (BFDConfiguration) represents BFD-specific configuration options for a selection of one or more nodes.

For kubectl commands, the following case-insensitive aliases may be used to specify the resource type on the CLI:, as well as abbreviations such as bfdconfiguration.p and bfdconfigurations.p.

Sample YAML​

kind: BFDConfiguration
name: default
nodeSelector: "all()"
- matchPattern: "*"
minimumRecvInterval: 10ms
minimumSendInterval: 100ms
idleSendInterval: 1m
multiplier: 5

BFD configuration definition​


FieldDescriptionAccepted ValuesSchema
nameUnique name to describe this resource instance. Required.Alphanumeric string with optional ., _, or -.string


FieldDescriptionAccepted ValuesSchemaDefault
nodeSelectorSelects one or more nodes to which this resource applies.stringselector
interfacesList of per-interface BFD configuration parameters.List of BFDInterface


FieldDescriptionAccepted ValuesSchemaDefault
matchPaterrnPattern to match one or more interfaces. Supports exact interface names, match on interface prefixes (e.g., β€œeth*”), or β€œ*” to select all interfaces on the selected node(s).string
minimumRecvIntervalThe minimum interval between received BFD packets. Must be a whole number of milliseconds greater than 0.string10ms
minimumSendIntervalThe minimum interval between transmitted BFD packets. Must be a whole number of milliseconds greater than 0.string100ms
idleSendIntervalThe interval between transmitted BFD packets when the BFD peer is idle. Must be a whole number of milliseconds greater than 0.string1m
multiplierThe number of intervals that must pass without receiving a BFD packet before the peer is considered down.string5


A label selector is an expression which either matches or does not match a resource based on its labels.

Calico Enterprise label selectors support a number of operators, which can be combined into larger expressions using the boolean operators and parentheses.

Logical operators
( <expression> )Matches if and only if <expression> matches. (Parentheses are used for grouping expressions.)
! <expression>Matches if and only if <expression> does not match. Tip: ! is a special character at the start of a YAML string, if you need to use ! at the start of a YAML string, enclose the string in quotes.
<expression 1> && <expression 2>"And": matches if and only if both <expression 1>, and, <expression 2> matches
<expression 1> || <expression 2>"Or": matches if and only if either <expression 1>, or, <expression 2> matches.
Match operators
all()Match all in-scope resources. To match no resources, combine this operator with ! to form !all().
global()Match all non-namespaced resources. Useful in a namespaceSelector to select global resources such as global network sets.
k == 'v'Matches resources with the label 'k' and value 'v'.
k != 'v'Matches resources without label 'k' or with label 'k' and value not equal to v
has(k)Matches resources with label 'k', independent of value. To match pods that do not have label k, combine this operator with ! to form !has(k)
k in { 'v1', 'v2' }Matches resources with label 'k' and value in the given set
k not in { 'v1', 'v2' }Matches resources without label 'k' or with label 'k' and value not in the given set
k contains 's'Matches resources with label 'k' and value containing the substring 's'
k starts with 's'Matches resources with label 'k' and value starting with the substring 's'
k ends with 's'Matches resources with label 'k' and value ending with the substring 's'

Operators have the following precedence:

  • Highest: all the match operators
  • Parentheses ( ... )
  • Negation with !
  • Conjunction with &&
  • Lowest: Disjunction with ||

For example, the expression

! has(my-label) || my-label starts with 'prod' && role in {'frontend','business'}

Would be "bracketed" like this:

((!(has(my-label)) || ((my-label starts with 'prod') && (role in {'frontend','business'}))

It would match:

  • Any resource that did not have label "my-label".
  • Any resource that both:
    • Has a value for my-label that starts with "prod", and,
    • Has a role label with value either "frontend", or "business".

Supported operations​

Datastore typeCreateDeleteUpdateGet/ListNotes
Kubernetes API serverYesYesYesYes