Install Calico
Quickstart tutorials and guides for installing Calico on Kubernetes, OpenStack, and non-cluster hosts.
Getting started
System requirements
Review requirements before installing Calico to ensure success.
Community-tested Kubernetes versions
Provides community inputs on what versions of Kubernetes and platforms work with Calico.
Quickstart for Calico on Kubernetes
Install Calico on a single-host Kubernetes cluster for testing or development in under 15 minutes.
Community-tested Kubernetes versions
Provides community inputs on what versions of Kubernetes and platforms work with Calico.
Install Calico networking and network policy for on-premises deployments
Install Calico networking and network policy for on-premises deployments.
Install Calico networking and network policy for on-premises deployments
Install Calico networking and network policy for on-premises deployments.
Install Calico for policy and flannel (aka Canal) for networking
If you use flannel for networking, you can install Calico network policy to secure cluster communications.
Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE)
Install Calico on a Rancher Kubernetes Engine cluster.
System requirements
Review the requirements for using OpenShift with Calico.
Install an OpenShift 4 cluster with Calico
Install Calico on an OpenShift 4 cluster.
Quickstart for Calico on K3s
Install Calico on a single-node K3s cluster for testing or development in under 5 minutes.
K3s multi-node install
Install Calico on a multi node K3s cluster for testing or development.
Installing on cloud infrastructure
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
Enable Calico network policy in EKS.
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
Enable Calico network policy in GKE.
IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS)
Use IKS with built-in support for Calico networking and network policy.
Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Enable Calico network policy in AKS.
Self-managed Kubernetes in Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Use Calico with a self-managed Kubernetes cluster in Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Self-managed Kubernetes in Google Compute Engine (GCE)
Use Calico with a self-managed Kubernetes cluster in Google Compute Engine (GCE).
Self-managed Kubernetes in Microsoft Azure
Use Calico with a self-managed Kubernetes cluster in Microsoft Azure.
Self-managed Kubernetes in DigitalOcean (DO)
Use Calico with a self-managed Kubernetes cluster in DigitalOcean (DO).
Calico for Windows
Limitations and known issues
Review limitations before starting installation.
Review the requirements for Calico for Windows.
Install using Operator
Install Calico for Windows on a Kubernetes cluster for testing or development.
Install Calico for Windows on a Kubernetes cluster for testing or development.
Install Calico for Windows manually
Install Calico for Windows to enable a workload-to-workload Zero Trust model that protects modern business and legacy applications.
Create kubeconfig for manually installed Calico for Windows nodes
Configure kubeconfig for the manual install of Calico for Windows.
Manage and maintain manually installed Calico for Windows services
Tasks to manage Calico services and uninstall Calico for Windows when the manual install (non-HPC) method was used.
Calico for Windows on an OpenShift 4 cluster (manual install)
Install Calico on an OpenShift 4 cluster on Windows nodes
Calico for Windows on a Rancher Kubernetes Engine cluster
Install Calico for Windows on a Rancher RKE cluster.
Basic policy demo
An interactive demo to show how to apply basic network policy to pods in a Calico for Windows cluster.
Troubleshoot Calico for Windows
Help for troubleshooting Calico for Windows issues in Calico this release.
Calico for OpenStack
Review the Calico components used in an OpenStack deployment.
System requirements
Requirements for installing Calico on OpenStack nodes.
Calico on OpenStack
Choose a method for installing Calico for OpenStack.
Install Calico on OpenStack, Ubuntu nodes.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Install Calico on OpenStack, Red Hat Enterprise Linux nodes.
Quickstart to show connectivity between DevStack and Calico.
Verify your deployment
Quick steps to test that your Calico-based OpenStack deployment is running correctly.
Non-cluster hosts
About non-cluster hosts
Install Calico on hosts not in a cluster with network policy, or networking and network policy.
System requirements
Review node requirements for installing Calico.
Docker container install
Install Calico on non-cluster hosts using a Docker container.
Binary install with package manager
Install Calico on non-cluster host using a package manager.
Binary install without package manager
Install Calico binary on non-cluster hosts without a package manager.