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Calico Open Source 3.28 (latest) documentation

Quickstart for Calico on minikube

Big picture​

This quickstart gets you a single-node minikube cluster with Calico in approximately 1 minute. You can use this cluster for testing and development.


Use this quickstart to quickly and easily try Calico features.

Before you begin​

How to​

Create a single-node minikube cluster​

Minikube offers a built-in Calico implementation, this is a quick way to checkout Calico features.


Enabling preinstalled Calico might be the quickest way for testing. However, if you like to checkout a more recent version or features of Calico you should consider using Manifest or Operator approach.

minikube start --network-plugin=cni --cni=calico

Verify Calico installation​

Verify Calico installation in your cluster using the following command:

watch kubectl get pods -l k8s-app=calico-node -A

You should see a result similar to the below. Note that the namespace might be different, depending on the method you followed.

kube-system calico-node-mlqvs 1/1 Running 0 5m18s

Use ctrl+c to break out of watch.

Congratulations you now have a minikube cluster equipped with Calico

Add an additional worker node​


This as an optional step, you can safely skip this step if you do not require an additional worker node.

minikube node add

Verify nodes using the following command:

kubectl get nodes

Clean up​

Delete the cluster using the following command:

minikube delete

Next steps​


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