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Calico Open Source 3.29 (latest) documentation

Configure systems for use with Calico

When running Calico with OpenStack, you also need to configure various OpenStack components, as follows.

Nova (/etc/nova/nova.conf)​

Calico uses the Nova metadata service to provide metadata to VMs, without any proxying by Neutron. To make that work:

  • An instance of the Nova metadata API must run on every compute node.
  • /etc/nova/nova.conf must not set service_neutron_metadata_proxy or service_metadata_proxy to True. (The default False value is correct for a Calico cluster.)

Neutron server (/etc/neutron/neutron.conf)​

In /etc/neutron/neutron.conf you need the following settings to configure the Neutron service.

core_plugincalicoUse the Calico core plugin

Calico can operate either as a core plugin or as an ML2 mechanism driver. The function is the same both ways, except that floating IPs are only supported when operating as a core plugin; hence the recommended setting here.

However, if you don't need floating IPs and have other reasons for using ML2, you can, instead, set

core_pluginneutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.ML2PluginUse ML2 plugin

and then the further ML2-specific configuration as covered below.

The following options in the [calico] section of /etc/neutron/neutron.conf govern how the Calico plugin/driver and DHCP agent connect to the Calico etcd datastore. You should set etcd_host to the IP of your etcd server, and etcd_port if that server is using a non-standard port. If the etcd server is TLS-secured, also set:

  • etcd_cert_file to a client certificate, which must be signed by a Certificate Authority that the server trusts

  • etcd_key_file to the corresponding private key file

  • etcd_ca_cert_file to a file containing data for the Certificate Authorities that you trust to sign the etcd server's certificate.

SettingDefault ValueMeaning
etcd_host127.0.0.1The hostname or IP of the etcd server
etcd_port2379The port to use for the etcd node/proxy
etcd_key_fileThe path to the TLS key file to use with etcd
etcd_cert_fileThe path to the TLS client certificate file to use with etcd
etcd_ca_cert_fileThe path to the TLS CA certificate file to use with etcd

In a multi-region deployment, [calico] openstack_region configures the name of the region that the local compute or controller node belongs to.

SettingDefault ValueMeaning
openstack_regionnoneThe name of the region that the local compute of controller node belongs to.

When specified, the value of openstack_region must be a string of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-', starting and ending with an alphanumeric character, and must match the value of OpenStackRegion configured for the Felixes in the same region.

ML2 (.../ml2_conf.ini)​

In /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini you need the following settings to configure the ML2 plugin.

mechanism_driverscalicoUse Calico
type_driverslocal, flatAllow 'local' and 'flat' networks
tenant_network_typeslocal, flatAllow 'local' and 'flat' networks