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Calico Open Source 3.29 (latest) documentation

Configure calicoctl to connect to the Kubernetes API datastore

Big picture​

Learn how to configure the calicoctl CLI tool for your Kubernetes cluster.


The calicoctl CLI tool provides helpful administrative commands for interacting with a Calico cluster.


calicoctl vs kubectl​

In previous releases, calicoctl has been required to manage Calico API resources in the API group. The calicoctl CLI tool provides important validation and defaulting on these APIs.

In newer releases, the Calico API server performs that defaulting and validation server-side, exposing the same API semantics without a dependency on calicoctl. For this reason, we recommend installing the Calico API server and using kubectl instead of calicoctl for most operations.

calicoctl is still required for the following subcommands:

Default configuration​

By default, calicoctl will attempt to read from the Kubernetes API using the default kubeconfig located at $(HOME)/.kube/config.

If the default kubeconfig does not exist, or you would like to specify alternative API access information, you can do so using the following configuration options.

How to​

Complete list of Kubernetes API connection configuration​

Configuration file optionEnvironment variableDescriptionSchema
datastoreTypeDATASTORE_TYPEIndicates the datastore to use. [Default: kubernetes]kubernetes, etcdv3
kubeconfigKUBECONFIGWhen using the Kubernetes datastore, the location of a kubeconfig file to use, e.g. /path/to/kube/config.string
k8sAPIEndpointK8S_API_ENDPOINTLocation of the Kubernetes API. Not required if using kubeconfig. [Default: https://kubernetes-api:443]string
k8sCertFileK8S_CERT_FILELocation of a client certificate for accessing the Kubernetes API, e.g., /path/to/cert.string
k8sKeyFileK8S_KEY_FILELocation of a client key for accessing the Kubernetes API, e.g., /path/to/key.string
k8sCAFileK8S_CA_FILELocation of a CA for accessing the Kubernetes API, e.g., /path/to/ca.string
k8sTokenToken to be used for accessing the Kubernetes API.string

All environment variables may also be prefixed with "CALICO_", for example "CALICO_DATASTORE_TYPE" and "CALICO_KUBECONFIG" etc. may be used. This is useful if the non-prefixed names clash with existing environment variables defined on your system.

Kubernetes command line​

DATASTORE_TYPE=kubernetes KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config calicoctl get nodes

Example configuration file​

kind: CalicoAPIConfig
datastoreType: 'kubernetes'
kubeconfig: '/path/to/.kube/config'

Example using environment variables​

export DATASTORE_TYPE=kubernetes
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
calicoctl get workloadendpoints

And using CALICO_ prefixed names:

export CALICO_DATASTORE_TYPE=kubernetes
export CALICO_KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
calicoctl get workloadendpoints

With multiple kubeconfig files:

export DATASTORE_TYPE=kubernetes
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/main:~/.kube/auxy
calicoctl get --context main workloadendpoints
calicoctl get --context auxy workloadendpoints

Checking the configuration​

Here is a simple command to check that the installation and configuration is correct.

calicoctl get nodes

A correct setup will yield a list of the nodes that have registered. If an empty list is returned you are either pointed at the wrong datastore or no nodes have registered. If an error is returned then attempt to correct the issue then try again.

Next steps​

Now you are ready to read and configure most aspects of Calico. You can find the full list of commands in the Command Reference.

The full list of resources that can be managed, including a description of each, can be found in the Resource Definitions.