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Calico Open Source 3.28 (latest) documentation

Troubleshooting and diagnostics

Logs and diagnostics​

To collect diagnostics use the calicoctl command line tool using superuser privileges. For example:

sudo calicoctl node diags

To view logs, use the following command:

kubectl logs -n calico-system <pod_name>

To view debug logs on some Calico components, set the LogSeverityScreen through the associated environment variable.

To report a problem, please open an issue in GitHub.

Check BGP peer status​

If you have connectivity between containers on the same host, and between containers and the Internet, but not between containers on different hosts, it probably indicates a problem in your BGP configuration.

Look at calicoctl node status on each host. It should include output like this:

Calico process is running.

IPv4 BGP status
| | node-to-node mesh | up | 23:30:04 | Established |

IPv6 BGP status
No IPv6 peers found.

Alternatively, you can create a CalicoNodeStatus resource to get BGP session status for the node.

If you do not see this, please check the following.

  • Make sure there is IP connectivity between your hosts.

  • Make sure your network allows the requisite BGP traffic on TCP port 179.

Configure NetworkManager​

Configure NetworkManager before attempting to use Calico networking.

NetworkManager manipulates the routing table for interfaces in the default network namespace where Calico veth pairs are anchored for connections to containers. This can interfere with the Calico agent's ability to route correctly.

Create the following configuration file at /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/calico.conf to prevent NetworkManager from interfering with the interfaces:


Errors when running sudo calicoctl​

If you use sudo for commands, remember that your environment variables are not transferred to the sudo environment. You must run sudo with the -E flag to include your environment variables:

sudo -E calicoctl node diags

or you can set environment variables for sudo commands like this:

sudo ETCD_ENDPOINTS= calicoctl node run

Also be aware that connection information can be specified as a config file rather than using environment variables. See Installing calicoctl for details.

Error: calico/node is not ready: BIRD is not ready: BGP not established with​

In most cases, this "unready" status error in Kubernetes means that a particular peer is unreachable in the cluster. Check that BGP connectivity between the two peers is allowed in the environment.

This error can also occur if inactive Node resources are configured for node-to-node mesh. To fix this, decommission the stale nodes.

Linux conntrack table is out of space​

A common problem on Linux systems is running out of space in the conntrack table, which can cause poor iptables performance. This can happen if you run a lot of workloads on a given host, or if your workloads create a lot of TCP connections or bidirectional UDP streams. To avoid this problem, we recommend increasing the conntrack table size using the following commands:

sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max=1000000
echo "net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max=1000000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf