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Calico Open Source 3.29 (latest) documentation


A node resource (Node) represents a node running Calico. When adding a host to a Calico cluster, a node resource needs to be created which contains the configuration for the calico/node instance running on the host.

When starting a calico/node instance, the name supplied to the instance should match the name configured in the Node resource.

By default, starting a calico/node instance will automatically create a node resource using the hostname of the compute host.

Sample YAML​

kind: Node
name: node-hostname
asNumber: 64512
ipv6Address: 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334/120



FieldDescriptionAccepted ValuesSchema
nameThe name of this node. Required.Alphanumeric string with optional ., _, or -.string


FieldDescriptionAccepted ValuesSchemaDefault
bgpBGP configuration for this node. Omit if using Calico for policy only.BGP
ipv4VXLANTunnelAddrIPv4 address of the VXLAN tunnel. This is system configured and should not be updated manually.string
vxlanTunnelMACAddrMAC address of the IPv4 VXLAN tunnel. This is system configured and should not be updated manually.string
ipv6VXLANTunnelAddrIPv6 address of the VXLAN tunnel. This is system configured and should not be updated manually.string
vxlanTunnelMACAddrV6MAC address of the IPv6 VXLAN tunnel. This is system configured and should not be updated manually.string
orchRefsCorrelates this node to a node in another orchestrator.list of OrchRefs
wireguardWireGuard configuration for this node. This is applicable only if WireGuard is enabled in Felix Configuration.WireGuard


FieldDescriptionAccepted ValuesSchemaDefault
nodeNameName of this node according to the orchestrator.string
orchestratorName of the orchestrator.k8sstring


FieldDescriptionAccepted ValuesSchemaDefault
asNumberThe AS Number of your calico/node.Optional. If omitted the global value is used (see example modifying Global BGP settings for details about modifying the asNumber setting).integer
ipv4AddressThe IPv4 address and subnet exported as the next-hop for the Calico endpoints on the hostThe IPv4 address must be specified if BGP is enabled.string
ipv6AddressThe IPv6 address and subnet exported as the next-hop for the Calico endpoints on the hostOptionalstring
ipv4IPIPTunnelAddrIPv4 address of the IP-in-IP tunnel. This is system configured and should not be updated manually.Optional IPv4 addressstring
routeReflectorClusterIDEnables this node as a route reflector within the given clusterOptional IPv4 addressstring


FieldDescriptionAccepted ValuesSchemaDefault
interfaceIPv4AddressThe IP address and subnet for the IPv4 WireGuard interface created by Felix on this node.Optionalstring
interfaceIPv6AddressThe IP address and subnet for the IPv6 WireGuard interface created by Felix on this node.Optionalstring