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Calico Enterprise 3.20 (latest) documentation

Archive logs

Big picture

Archive Calico Enterprise logs to SIEMs like Syslog, Splunk, or Amazon S3 to meet compliance storage requirements.


Archiving your Calico Enterprise Elasticsearch logs to storage services like Amazon S3, Syslog, or Splunk are reliable options for maintaining and consolidating your compliance data long term.

Before you begin

Supported logs for export

  • Syslog - flow, dns, idsevents, audit
  • Splunk - flow, audit, dns
  • Amazon S3 - l7, flow, dns, audit

How to


Because Calico Enterprise and Kubernetes logs are integral to Calico Enterprise diagnostics, there is no mechanism to tune down the verbosity. To manage log verbosity, filter logs using your SIEM.

  1. Create an AWS bucket to store your logs. You will need the bucket name, region, key, secret key, and the path in the following steps.

  2. Create a Secret in the tigera-operator namespace named log-collector-s3-credentials with the fields key-id and key-secret. Example:

     kubectl create secret generic log-collector-s3-credentials \
    --from-literal=key-id=<AWS-access-key-id> \
    --from-literal=key-secret=<AWS-secret-key> \
    -n tigera-operator
  3. Update the LogCollector resource named, tigera-secure to include an S3 section with your information noted from above. Example:

    kind: LogCollector
    name: tigera-secure
    bucketName: <S3-bucket-name>
    bucketPath: <path-in-S3-bucket>
    region: <S3-bucket region>

    This can be done during installation by editing the custom-resources.yaml by applying it, or after installation by editing the resource with the command:

    kubectl edit logcollector tigera-secure