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Calico Enterprise 3.19 (latest) documentation

Troubleshoot logs

Elasticsearch resources and settings​

The following user-configured resources are related to Elasticsearch:

  • LogStorage. It has settings for:

    • Elasticsearch (for example, nodeCount and replicas)
    • Kubernetes (for example, resourceRequirements, storage and nodeSelectors)
    • Tigera (for example, data retention)
  • StorageClasses

    • A StorageClass provides a way for administrators to describe different types of storage.
    • Persistent volumes for pod storage can be configured through storage classes or dynamic provisioners from cloud providers

Diagnostic checklist​

  1. Rule out network problems, DNS problems, and network policy problems.

  2. Check the following logs:

    LogsSample command
    Elasticsearch podkubectl logs -n tigera-elasticsearch -l
    Kibana podkubectl logs -n tigera-kibana -l
    Tigera operatorkubectl logs -n tigera-operator -l k8s-app=tigera-operator
    Elasticsearch (ECK) operatorkubectl logs -n tigera-eck-operator -l k8s-app=elastic-operator
    Kube controllers (often overlooked)kubectl logs -n calico-system -l k8s-app=calico-kube-controllers
    Kubernetes API serverkubectl logs -n kube-system -l component=kube-apiserver
    Note: See you platform documentation for specific command if above doesn't work.
  3. Check if there are multiple replicas or statefulsets of Kibana or Elasticsearch. kubectl get all -n tigera-kibana and/or kubectl get all -n tigera-elasticsearch

  4. Check if any of the pods in the tigera-elasticsearch namespace are pending. kubectl get pod -n tigera-elasticsearch

  5. Check the TigeraStatus for problems. kubectl get tigerastatus -o yaml

How to handle expired license​

Starting from Calico Enterprise v3.7, all Calico Enterprise features work with Elasticsearch basic license.

If Elasticsearch platinum or enterprise license expires, ECK operator will switch it to basic license, if this doesn't happen automatically and if you notice license expiration error, switch to basic license by calling the Elasticsearch API.

How to create a new cluster​


Be aware that removing LogStorage temporarily removes Elasticsearch from your cluster. Features that depend on LogStorage are temporarily unavailable, including the dashboards in the Manager UI. Data ingestion is also temporarily paused, but will resume when the LogStorage is up and running again. Follow these steps to create a new Elasticsearch cluster.

  1. Optional: To delete all current data follow this step. For each PersistentVolume in StorageClass tigera-elasticsearch that is currently mounted, set the ReclaimPolicy to Recycle or Delete.

  2. Export your current LogStorage resource to a file.

    kubectl get logstorage tigera-secure -o yaml > log-storage.yaml
  3. Delete logstorage.

    kubectl delete -f log-storage.yaml
  4. Delete the trial license. You can skip this step if the secret is not present in your cluster.

    kubectl delete secret -n tigera-eck-operator trial-status
  5. Optional: If you made changes to the ReclaimPolicy in step 1, revert them so that it matches the value in StorageClass tigera-elasticsearch again.

  6. Apply the LogStorage again.

    kubectl apply -f log-storage.yaml
  7. Wait until your cluster is back up and running.

    watch kubectl get tigerastatus

Common problems​

Elasticsearch is pending​

Solution/workaround: Most often, the reason is due to the absence of a PersistentVolume that matches the PersistentVolumeClaim. Check that there is a Kubernetes node with enough CPU and memory. If the field dataNodeSelector in the LogStorage resource is used, make sure there are pods that match all the requirements.

Pod cannot reach Elasticsearch​

Solution/workaround: Are there any policy changes that may affect the installation? In many cases, removing and reapplying log storage solves the problem.

kube-apiserver logs showing many certificate errors​

Solution/workaround: Sometimes a cluster ends up with multiple replicasets or statefulsets of Kibana or Elasticsearch if you modify the LogStorage resource. To see if this is the problem, run kubectl get all -n tigera-(elasticsearch/kibana). If it is, you can ignore it; the issues will resolve over time.

If you are using a version prior to v2.8, the issue may be caused by the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. Although we do not support modifying this admission webhook, consider deleting it as follows:

kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfigurations validating-webhook-configuration
kubectl delete service -n tigera-eck-operator elastic-webhook-service

As a last resort, create a new Elasticsearch cluster.

Elasticsearch is slow​

Solution/workaround: Start with diagnostics using the Kibana monitoring dashboard. Then, check the QoS of your LogStorage custom resource to see if it is causing throttling (or via the Kubernetes node itself). If the shard count is high, close old shards. Also, another option is to increase the Elasticsearch CPU and memory.

Elasticsearch crashes during booting​

Solution/workaround: Disk provisioners can have issues where the disk does not allow write requests by the Elasticsearch user. Check the logs of the init containers.

Kibana dashboard is missing​

Solution/workaround: Verify that the intrusion detection job is running, or try removing and reapplying:

kubectl get intrusiondetections -o yaml > intrusiondetection.yaml

kubectl delete -f intrusiondetection.yaml "tigera-secure" deleted

kubectl apply -f intrusiondetection.yaml created

Elastic Operator OOM killed​

Solution/workaround: Increase the memory requests/limits for the Elastic Operator in the LogStorage Custom Resource.

kubectl edit logstorage tigera-secure

Find the ECKOperator Component Resource in the spec section. Increase the limits and requests memory amounts as needed. Verify that the pod has restarted with the new settings:

kubectl describe pod elastic-operator -n tigera-eck-operator

Check the Container.Limits and Container.Requests fields to confirm the values have propagated correctly.