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Calico Enterprise 3.18 documentation

Global Alert

A global alert resource represents a query that is periodically run against data sets collected by Calico Enterprise whose findings are added to the Alerts page in the Calico Enterprise web console. Alerts may search for the existence of rows in a query, or when aggregated metrics satisfy a condition.

Calico Enterprise supports alerts on the following data sets:

For kubectl commands, the following case-insensitive aliases can be used to specify the resource type on the CLI:, and abbreviations such as globalalert.p and globalalerts.p.

Sample YAMLโ€‹

kind: GlobalAlert
name: sample
summary: 'Sample'
description: 'Sample ${source_namespace}/${source_name_aggr}'
severity: 100
dataSet: flows
query: action=allow
aggregateBy: [source_namespace, source_name_aggr]
field: num_flows
metric: sum
condition: gt
threshold: 0

GlobalAlert definitionโ€‹


FieldDescriptionAccepted ValuesSchema
nameThe name of this alert.Lower-case alphanumeric with optional -string


FieldDescriptionTypeRequiredAcceptable ValuesDefault
typeType will dictate how the fields of the GlobalAlert will be utilized. Each type will have different usages and/or defaults for the other GlobalAlert fields as described in the table.stringnoRuleBasedRuleBased
descriptionHuman-readable description of the template.stringyes
summaryTemplate for the description field in generated events. See the summary section below for more details. description is used if this is omitted.stringno
severitySeverity of the alert for display in Manager.intyes1 - 100
dataSetWhich data set to execute the alert against.stringif type is RuleBasedaudit, dns, flows, l7
periodHow often the query defined will run, if type is RuleBased.durationno1h 2m 3s5m, 15m if type is RuleBased
lookbackSpecifies how far back in time data is to be collected. Must exceed audit log flush interval, dnsLogsFlushInterval, or flowLogsFlushInterval as appropriate.durationno1h 2m 3s10m
queryWhich data to include from the source data set. Written in a domain-specific query language. See the query section below.stringno
aggregateByAn optional list of fields to aggregate results.string arrayno
fieldWhich field to aggregate results by if using a metric other than count.stringif metric is one of avg, max, min, or sum
metricA metric to apply to aggregated results. count is the number of log entries matching the aggregation pattern. Others are applied only to numeric fields in the logs.stringnoavg, max, min, sum, count
conditionCompare the value of the metric to the threshold using this condition.stringif metric definedeq, not_eq, lt, lte, gt, gte
thresholdA numeric value to compare the value of the metric against.floatif metric defined
substitutionsAn optional list of values to replace variable names in query.List of GlobalAlertSubstitutionno


nameThe name of the global alert substitution. It will be referenced by the variable names in query. Duplicate names are not allowed in the substitutions list.stringyes
valuesA list of values for this substitution. Wildcard operators asterisk (*) and question mark (?) are supported.string arrayyes


lastUpdateWhen the alert was last modified on the backend.
activeWhether the alert is active on the backend.
healthyWhether the alert is in an error state or not.
lastExecutedWhen the query for the alert last ran.
lastEventWhen the condition of the alert was last satisfied and an alert was successfully generated.
errorConditionsList of errors preventing operation of the updates or search.


Alerts use a domain-specific query language to select which records from the data set should be used in the alert. This could be used to identify flows with specific features, or to select (or omit) certain namespaces from consideration.

The query language is composed of any number of selectors, combined with boolean expressions (AND, OR, and NOT), set expressions (IN and NOTIN) and bracketed subexpressions. These are translated by Calico Enterprise to Elastic DSL queries that are executed on the backend.

Set expressions support wildcard operators asterisk (*) and question mark (?). The asterisk sign matches zero or more characters and the question mark matches a single character. Set values can be embedded into the query string or reference the values in the global alert substitution list.

A selector consists of a key, comparator, and value. Keys and values may be identifiers consisting of alphanumerics and underscores (_) with the first character being alphabetic or an underscore, or may be quoted strings. Values may also be integer or floating point numbers. Comparators may be = (equal), != (not equal), < (less than), <= (less than or equal), > (greater than), or >= (greater than or equal).

Keys must be indexed fields in their corresponding data set. See the appendix for a list of valid keys in each data set.


  • query: "count > 0"
  • query: "\"servers.ip\" = \"\""

Selectors may be combined using AND, OR, and NOT boolean expressions, IN and NOTIN set expressions, and bracketed subexpressions.


  • query: "count > 100 AND client_name=mypod"
  • query: "client_namespace = ns1 OR client_namespace = ns2"
  • query: "count > 100 AND NOT (client_namespace = ns1 OR client_namespace = ns2)"
  • query: "(qtype = A OR qtype = AAAA) AND rcode != NoError"
  • query: "process_name IN {\"proc1?\", \"*proc2\"} AND source_namespace = ns1
  • query: "qname NOTIN ${domains}"


Results from the query can be aggregated by any number of data fields. Only these data fields will be included in the generated alerts, and each unique combination of aggregations will generate a unique alert. Careful consideration of fields for aggregation will yield the best results.

Some good choices for aggregations on the flows data set are [source_namespace, source_name_aggr, source_name], [source_ip], [dest_namespace, dest_name_aggr, dest_name], and [dest_ip] depending on your use case. For the dns data set, [client_namespace, client_name_aggr, client_name] is a good choice for an aggregation pattern.

Metrics and conditionsโ€‹

Results from the query can be further aggregated using a metric that is applied to a numeric field, or counts the number of rows in an aggregation. Search hits satisfying the condition are output as alerts.

MetricDescriptionApplied to Field
countCounts the number of rowsNo
minThe minimal value of the fieldYes
maxThe maximal value of the fieldYes
sumThe sum of all values of the fieldYes
avgThe average value of the fieldYes
not_eqNot equals
ltLess than
lteLess than or equal
gtGreater than
gteGreater than or equal


kind: GlobalAlert
name: frequent-dns-responses
description: 'Monitor for NXDomain'
summary: 'Observed ${sum} NXDomain responses for ${qname}'
severity: 100
dataSet: dns
query: rcode = NXDomain AND (rtype = A or rtype = AAAA)
aggregateBy: qname
field: count
metric: sum
condition: gte
threshold: 100

This alert identifies non-existing DNS responses for Internet addresses that were observed more than 100 times in the past 10 minutes.

Unconditional alertsโ€‹

If the field, metric, condition, and threshold fields of an alert are left blank then the alert will trigger whenever its query returns any data. Each hit (or aggregation pattern, if aggregateBy is non-empty) returned will cause an event to be created. This should be used only when the query is highly specific to avoid filling the Alerts page and index with a large number of events. The use of aggregateBy is strongly recommended to reduce the number of entries added to the Alerts page.

The following example would alert on incoming connections to postgres pods from the Internet that were not denied by policy. It runs hourly to reduce the noise. Noise could be further reduced by removing source_ip from the aggregateBy clause at the cost of removing source_ip from the generated events.

period: 1h
lookback: 75m
query: 'dest_labels="application=postgres" AND source_type=net AND action=allow AND proto=tcp AND dest_port=5432'
aggregateBy: [dest_namespace, dest_name, source_ip]

Summary templateโ€‹

Alerts may include a summary template to provide context for the alerts in the Calico Enterprise web console Alert user interface. Any field in the aggregateBy section, or the value of the metric may be substituted in the summary using a bracketed variable syntax.


summary: 'Observed ${sum} NXDomain responses for ${qname}'

The description field is validated in the same manner. If not provided, the description field is used in place of the summary field.

Period and lookbackโ€‹

The interval between alerts, and the amount of data considered by the alert may be controlled using the period and lookback parameters respectively. These fields are formatted as duration strings.

A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "ยตs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".

The minimum duration of a period is 1 minute with a default of 5 minutes and the default for lookback is 10 minutes. The lookback should always be greater than the sum of the period and the configured FlowLogsFlushInterval or DNSLogsFlushInterval as appropriate to avoid gaps in coverage.

Alert recordsโ€‹

With only aggregations and no metrics, the alert will generate one event per aggregation pattern returned by the query. The record field will contain only the aggregated fields. As before, this should be used with specific queries.

The addition of a metric will include the value of that metric in the record, along with any aggregations. This, combined with queries as necessary, will yield the best results in most cases.

With no aggregations the alert will generate one event per record returned by the query. The record will be included in its entirety in the record field of the event. This should only be used with very narrow and specific queries.


Calico Enterprise supports the GlobalAlertTemplate resource type. These are used in the Calico Enterprise web console to create alerts with prepopulated fields that can be modified to suit your needs. The GlobalAlertTemplate resource is configured identically to the GlobalAlert resource. Calico Enterprise includes some sample Alert templates; add your own templates as needed.

Sample YAMLโ€‹

RuleBased GlobalAlert

kind: GlobalAlertTemplate
name: http.connections
description: 'HTTP connections to a target namespace'
summary: 'HTTP connections from ${source_namespace}/${source_name_aggr} to <desired_namespace>/${dest_name_aggr}'
severity: 50
dataSet: flows
query: dest_namespace="<desired namespace>" AND dest_port=80
aggregateBy: [source_namespace, dest_name_aggr, source_name_aggr]
field: count
metric: sum
condition: gte
threshold: 1

Appendix: Valid fields for queriesโ€‹

Audit logsโ€‹

See group v1 for descriptions of fields.

DNS logsโ€‹

See DNS logs for description of fields.

Flow logsโ€‹

See Flow logs for description of fields.

L7 logsโ€‹

See L7 logs for description of fields.