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Configure flow log aggregation

Big picture​

Configure flow log aggregation level to reduce log volume and costs.


Beyond using filtering to suppress flow logs, Calico Cloud provides controls to aggregate flow logs. Although aggressive aggregation levels reduce flow volume and costs, it can also reduce visibility into specific metadata of allowed and denied traffic. Review this article to see which level of aggregation is suitable for your implementation.


Aggregation: volume and cost versus visibility​

Calico Cloud enables flow log aggregation for pod/workload endpoints by default, and uses an aggressive aggregation level to reduce log volume. The level assumes that most users do not need to see pod IP information (due to the ephemeral nature of pod IP address allocation). However, it all depends on your deployment; we recommend reviewing aggregation levels to understand what information gets grouped (and thus suppressed from view).

Aggregation flow log example​

The following is a sample flow log entry using aggregation by pod prefix for allowed traffic. For flow log fields and filter parameters, see Filter flow logs.

"start_time": 1597086849,
"end_time": 1597087167,
"source_ip": null,
"source_name": "-",
"source_name_aggr": "access-6b687c8dcb-*",
"source_namespace": "policy-demo",
"source_port": null,
"source_type": "wep",
"source_labels": {
"labels": [
"dest_ip": null,
"dest_name": "-",
"dest_name_aggr": "nginx-86c57db685-*",
"dest_namespace": "policy-demo",
"dest_port": 80,
"dest_type": "wep",
"dest_labels": {
"labels": [
"proto": "tcp",
"action": "allow",
"reporter": "dst",
"policies": {
"all_policies": [
"bytes_in": 18236,
"bytes_out": 52519,
"num_flows": 47,
"num_flows_started": 47,
"num_flows_completed": 40,
"packets_in": 282,
"packets_out": 239,
"http_requests_allowed_in": 0,
"http_requests_denied_in": 0,
"original_source_ips": null,
"num_original_source_ips": 0,
"host": "bz-n8kf-kadm-node-1",
"@timestamp": 1597087167000
  • 1597086849 to 1597087167 is the 5 minute aggregation interval.
  • Workload endpoints with a similar prefix access-6b687c8dcb-* in the policy-demo namespace connected to a workload-endpoints/pods with prefix nginx-86c57db685-* exposing a service on port 80.
  • The aggregated source workload endpoints had the labels app: nginx and pod-template-hash: 6b687c8dcb and the aggregated destination workload endpoint had the labels app: nginx and pod-template-hash: 86c57db685.
  • It was an incoming connection reported by the "Destination" node, and a policy "Allowed" the connection.
  • There were 282 incoming packets and 239 outgoing packets.
  • Within the aggregation time interval, there were 7 flows aggregated, with 47 new flows started, and 40 flows completed.

When viewing traffic flows, note that null values for source_ip and dest_ip means pod prefix aggregation is enabled.

"source_ip": null,
"dest_ip": null,

Aggregation types and levels​

The following table summarizes the aggregation levels by flow log traffic.

Flow log aggregation by...Available for...Aggregates all flows that share...
Pod prefixAllowed and denied traffic (default is allowed)FlowLogsFileAggregationKindForAllowed
0, No aggregation
1, A source port on each node.
2, (default) Source ports, or are from the same ReplicaSet.
3, Destination and source ports, and are from the same ReplicateSet.
Source portAllowed and denied trafficFlowLogsFileAggregationKindForAllowed
0, No aggregation
1, (default) Source port on each node.
2, Source ports, or are from the same ReplicaSet.
3, Destination and source ports, and are from the same ReplicateSet.

How to​

Verify existing aggregation level​

Use the following command:

kubectl get felixconfiguration.p -o yaml

Change default aggregation level​

Before changing the default aggregation level, note the following:

  • Although any change in aggregation level affects flow log volume, lowering the aggregation number (especially to 0 for no aggregation) will cause significant impacts to log storage. If you allow more flow logs, ensure that you provision more log storage.
  • Verify that the parameters that you want to see in your aggregation level, are not already filtered

Troubleshoot logs with aggregation levels​

When you use flow log aggregation, sometimes you may see two Alerts,


along with two flow log entries. Note that the entries are identical except for the slight timestamp difference.


The reason you may see two entries is because of the interaction between the aggregation interval, and the time interval to export logs (flowLogsFlushInterval).

In each aggregation interval, connections/connection attempts can be started or completed. However, flow logs do not start/stop when a connection starts/stops. Let’s assume the default export logs β€œflush” time of 10 seconds. If a connection is started in one flush interval, but terminates in the next, it is recorded across two entries. To get visibility into flow logs to differentiate the entries, go to Service Graph, flow logs tab, and look at these fields: num_flows, num_flows_started, and num_flows_completed.

The underlying reason for this overlap is a dependency on Linux conntrack, which provides the lifetime of stats that Calico Cloud tracks across different protocols (TCP, ICMP, UDP). For example, for UDP and ICMP, Calico Cloud waits for a conntrack entry to timeout before it considers a β€œconnection” closed, and this is usually greater than 10 seconds.


Here are examples of pod-to-pod flows for each aggregation type.

Aggregation by source port​

Source port aggregation is straightforward. When viewing source IP, destination IP, protocol, source port, destination port, the source port is usually ephemeral and does not convey useful information. By suppressing source port, this aggregation type minimizes the flows logs generated for traffic between the same source-destination endpoint, and same destination port.

Node 1

"start_time": 1597164816,
"end_time": 1597165131,
"source_ip": "",
"source_name": "access-6b687c8dcb-zn5s2",
"source_name_aggr": "access-6b687c8dcb-*",
"source_namespace": "policy-demo",
"source_port": null,
"source_type": "wep",
"source_labels": {
"labels": [
"dest_ip": "",
"dest_name": "nginx-86c57db685-rkhnf",
"dest_name_aggr": "nginx-86c57db685-*",
"dest_namespace": "policy-demo",
"dest_port": 80,
"dest_type": "wep",
"dest_labels": {
"labels": [
"proto": "tcp",
"action": "allow",
"reporter": "src",
"policies": {
"all_policies": [
"bytes_in": 0,
"bytes_out": 3120,
"num_flows": 50,
"num_flows_started": 50,
"num_flows_completed": 50,
"packets_in": 0,
"packets_out": 52,
"http_requests_allowed_in": 0,
"http_requests_denied_in": 0,
"original_source_ips": null,
"num_original_source_ips": 0,
"host": "bz-n8kf-kadm-node-1",
"@timestamp": 1597165131000

Node 2

"start_time": 1597164816,
"end_time": 1597165125,
"source_ip": "",
"source_name": "access-6b687c8dcb-zn5s2",
"source_name_aggr": "access-6b687c8dcb-*",
"source_namespace": "policy-demo",
"source_port": null,
"source_type": "wep",
"source_labels": {
"labels": [
"dest_ip": "",
"dest_name": "nginx-86c57db685-rkhnf",
"dest_name_aggr": "nginx-86c57db685-*",
"dest_namespace": "policy-demo",
"dest_port": 80,
"dest_type": "wep",
"dest_labels": {
"labels": [
"proto": "tcp",
"action": "deny",
"reporter": "dst",
"policies": {
"all_policies": [
"bytes_in": 3120,
"bytes_out": 0,
"num_flows": 50,
"num_flows_started": 50,
"num_flows_completed": 50,
"packets_in": 52,
"packets_out": 0,
"http_requests_allowed_in": 0,
"http_requests_denied_in": 0,
"original_source_ips": null,
"num_original_source_ips": 0,
"host": "bz-n8kf-kadm-node-2",
"@timestamp": 1597165125000

Aggregation by pod prefix​

In Kubernetes, pods that are part of ReplicaSets and StatefulSets, etc. can automatically create names for pods. For example, the pods nginx-65899c769f-tdmw7 and nginx-65899c769f-xyz123 are created by the ReplicaSet nginx-65899c769f. The ReplicaSet name is considered a pod-prefix and is used to aggregate flow log entries (shown with an asterisk * at the end of the name).Β For a destination pod to be aggregated, it must have the same "pod-prefix"Β andΒ expose the same destination port.

Node 1

"start_time": 1597166567,
"end_time": 1597166893,
"source_ip": "",
"source_name": "access-6b687c8dcb-zn5s2",
"source_name_aggr": "access-6b687c8dcb-*",
"source_namespace": "policy-demo",
"source_port": null,
"source_type": "wep",
"source_labels": {
"labels": [
"dest_ip": "",
"dest_name": "nginx-86c57db685-rkhnf",
"dest_name_aggr": "nginx-86c57db685-*",
"dest_namespace": "policy-demo",
"dest_port": 80,
"dest_type": "wep",
"dest_labels": {
"labels": [
"proto": "tcp",
"action": "allow",
"reporter": "src",
"policies": {
"all_policies": [
"bytes_in": 52311,
"bytes_out": 18236,
"num_flows": 47,
"num_flows_started": 47,
"num_flows_completed": 47,
"packets_in": 235,
"packets_out": 282,
"http_requests_allowed_in": 0,
"http_requests_denied_in": 0,
"original_source_ips": null,
"num_original_source_ips": 0,
"host": "bz-n8kf-kadm-node-1",
"@timestamp": 1597166893000

Node 2

"start_time": 1597166567,
"end_time": 1597166879,
"source_ip": "",
"source_name": "access-6b687c8dcb-zn5s2",
"source_name_aggr": "access-6b687c8dcb-*",
"source_namespace": "policy-demo",
"source_port": null,
"source_type": "wep",
"source_labels": {
"labels": [
"dest_ip": "",
"dest_name": "nginx-86c57db685-rkhnf",
"dest_name_aggr": "nginx-86c57db685-*",
"dest_namespace": "policy-demo",
"dest_port": 80,
"dest_type": "wep",
"dest_labels": {
"labels": [
"proto": "tcp",
"action": "allow",
"reporter": "dst",
"policies": {
"all_policies": [
"bytes_in": 18236,
"bytes_out": 52311,
"num_flows": 47,
"num_flows_started": 47,
"num_flows_completed": 47,
"packets_in": 282,
"packets_out": 235,
"http_requests_allowed_in": 0,
"http_requests_denied_in": 0,
"original_source_ips": null,
"num_original_source_ips": 0,
"host": "bz-n8kf-kadm-node-2",
"@timestamp": 1597166879000

No aggregation​

If you turn off aggregation, your log storage may be overwhelmed. Be sure to provision more storage if you do.

Node 1

"start_time": 1597166083,
"end_time": 1597166383,
"source_ip": "",
"source_name": "access-6b687c8dcb-zn5s2",
"source_name_aggr": "access-6b687c8dcb-*",
"source_namespace": "policy-demo",
"source_port": 42106,
"source_type": "wep",
"source_labels": {
"labels": [
"dest_ip": "",
"dest_name": "nginx-86c57db685-h6792",
"dest_name_aggr": "nginx-86c57db685-*",
"dest_namespace": "policy-demo",
"dest_port": 80,
"dest_type": "wep",
"dest_labels": {
"labels": [
"proto": "tcp",
"action": "allow",
"reporter": "dst",
"policies": {
"all_policies": [
"bytes_in": 388,
"bytes_out": 1113,
"num_flows": 1,
"num_flows_started": 1,
"num_flows_completed": 1,
"packets_in": 6,
"packets_out": 5,
"http_requests_allowed_in": 0,
"http_requests_denied_in": 0,
"original_source_ips": null,
"num_original_source_ips": 0,
"host": "bz-n8kf-kadm-node-1",
"@timestamp": 1597166383000

Node 2

"start_time": 1597166083,
"end_time": 1597166383,
"source_ip": "",
"source_name": "access-6b687c8dcb-zn5s2",
"source_name_aggr": "access-6b687c8dcb-*",
"source_namespace": "policy-demo",
"source_port": 43092,
"source_type": "wep",
"source_labels": {
"labels": [
"dest_ip": "",
"dest_name": "nginx-86c57db685-h6792",
"dest_name_aggr": "nginx-86c57db685-*",
"dest_namespace": "policy-demo",
"dest_port": 80,
"dest_type": "wep",
"dest_labels": {
"labels": [
"proto": "tcp",
"action": "allow",
"reporter": "dst",
"policies": {
"all_policies": [
"bytes_in": 388,
"bytes_out": 1113,
"num_flows": 1,
"num_flows_started": 1,
"num_flows_completed": 1,
"packets_in": 6,
"packets_out": 5,
"http_requests_allowed_in": 0,
"http_requests_denied_in": 0,
"original_source_ips": null,
"num_original_source_ips": 0,
"host": "bz-n8kf-kadm-node-2",
"@timestamp": 1597166383000

Additional resources​