Post-installation tasks for managing Calico Cloud.
Manage clusters
Manage cluster storage, add new clusters, and configure alerts.
Uninstall Calico Cloud from a cluster
Steps to use migration script to uninstall Calico Cloud from a cluster.
Usage and billing
Where to find Calico Cloud usage metrics.
Component logs
Where to find component logs.
Secure component communications​
Secure Calico Cloud Prometheus endpoints
Limit access to Calico Cloud metric endpoints using network policy.
Secure BGP sessions
Configure BGP passwords to prevent attackers from injecting false routing information.
Prometheus support
Prometheus support in Calico Cloud.
Recommended Prometheus metrics
Recommended Prometheus metrics for monitoring Calico Enterprise components.
Bring your own Prometheus
Steps to get Calico Cloud metrics using your own Prometheus.
Configure Prometheus
Configure rules for alerts and denied packets, for persistent storage.
Configure Alertmanager
Configure Alertmanager, a Prometheus feature that routes alerts.
BGP metrics
Monitor BGP peering and route exchange in your cluster and get alerts by defining rules and thresholds.
Policy metrics
Monitor the effects of policy in your cluster and received alerts by defining rules and thresholds.
Fluentd metrics
Monitor Fluentd metrics and get alerts on log storage or collection issues.